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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by UncleSonny

  1. Oh shit, interesting...well that's a new one. I'm gonna guess this is going to bring the #takes.
  2. Did they mention the aggy representation on that list? I saw this tweet earlier: I know Spiller is getting some hype as one of the top rb prospects but there is no fucking way even Kiper is dumb enough to put Ainias Smith as the 3rd best back in the draft is he?
  3. Alternatively, knowing what we know about this staff, their early returns, Terrell's agenda, and the fact that the comments are anonymous, the comments aren't disturbing at all and are literally meaningless. Coming in as a new staff and without even having the ability to see recruits in person they have closed on a few big targets and they are right in the mix with pretty much every target we could reasonably hope for. They have secured official visits with most of them when they will finally be able to meet prospects in person and make some big moves in some of those recruitments and close out the leans. All while recruiting has been at a standstill across the country for the past few months. We're fine.
  4. The backlash to the backlash against Guy Fieri has grown so prominent that we've swung back around to having a positive opinion about him is pretty much the majority stance. Admittedly he seems like a good dude but lets not forget he's a guy in his 50s who says shit like "this is gansta!", "off the hook", and "lets go to flavor town!" and dresses like this: I'll be happy when it swings back around again and I can call him a tool without my friends and family correcting me about how much he does for small businesses and all his charity work.
  5. https://uproxx.com/indie/bob-dylan-albums-ranked-80th-birthday/ Really good (albeit long) Steven Hyden article ranking his studio albums. Pretty solid ranking, I think I'd have "Blood on the Tracks" at the top personally.
  6. Their rankings have borne that out. Ewers have been in his own tier as a qb and (almost) consensus top 2022 prospect for years. Manning is sometimes ranked as the top 2023 qb but some services have had Nelson above him and I haven't seen a list that had him as the top prospect in the country. He's always top 5 so it's a matter of degrees, but Ewers is a more uncommonly talented prospect.
  7. I used to print out those novel length matchup previews Longhorn Bob would do before every game and read them while taking a shit. I was pretty young so I can't speak to the quality of the writing or analysis but I loved diving into those things and getting deeper context about our upcoming games. Weirdly Bob is partially responsible for my Longhorn football obsession when I was in middle school/early high school to now.
  8. I, for one, am excited you were so proud of this joke you decided you needed to post it on both the football and recruiting board.
  9. I'd expect after a strong year on defense (and knowing they are poised to take a step back) next offseason is the year Elko hits eject as well.
  10. John Goodman should pop in for at least a scene in every movie. If he's not available, cast Stephen Root.
  11. On the bright side for USC they got a longer tenure from Carrington than they got from Kliff before bolting for the NFL.
  12. I have no idea what you are trying to argue at this point. Our upside is our 2nd best squad we've had in the last 30 years? Um, yeah that would work for me.
  13. My expectations aren't conference championship or bust this season but it's completely reasonable to expect improvement the first year with a new staff. Any improvement from last season puts us right in the thick of the title hunt. Last season we won 7 games in a shortened season, took the conference champion to 4 OTs & lost by 3 to the conference runner up; it's crazy to act like we are looking at a long term rebuild to get to (conference) championship caliber. This site unanimously wanted Herman fired in part because he was way underachieving giving the talent he had. You are overstating the challenge of a coaching transition. When a blueblood school makes a real coaching upgrade they see improvement fast, as in the first year. Notre Dame - 2009: 6-6 2010 (Kelly's 1st): 8-5 Ohio State - 2011: 6-7 2012 (Urban's 1st): 12-0 Michigan - 2014: 5-7 2015 (Harbaugh's 1st): 10-3 Florida - 2017: 4-7 2018 (Mullen's 1st): 10-3 Oregon - 2017: 4-8 2018 (Cristobal's 1st): 9-4 I think Cristobal is the only coach on that list who inherited an established, quality qb. Maybe Sarkisian is a huge upgrade and maybe he's not. There are exceptions to good coaches starting slower but lets not act like it's exceedingly rare for a new coaching staff to take over a team with a lot of talent and hit the ground running. And we do have a lot of talent relative to the country and our conference.
  14. Wrong. Huh? Who gives a shit about the spring game? What could even make a spring game "middling"? If we have to temper our expectations because of his substance abuse history we've made a huge fuckup with this hire.
  15. Nobody finds more five star qbs that no other school seems to be pushing particularly hard for than aggy. To be fair, I think Weigman is a better prospect than King.
  16. Not sure if you are serious about spoiling a minor plot point in a movie that came out 9 years ago and has made a billion dollars but apologies, here you go:
  17. Btw, I saw too late that I have a typo or used the wrong word in about every other sentence but considering the amount of sleep I’m running on if the post is halfway comprehensible I’m counting it as a win.
  18. We just had a baby last week and I’m on first watch at night trying to buy 3-4 hours of sleep for my wife before she has to wake up to feed her again. It’s been pretty great actually, I just stay up with my newborn and watch movies every night. Some notables: The Third Man (1950): I’d never seen it but during this last year I’ve been trying to check out some older movies. I loved it, great setting. A seedy hotel bar filled with black market dealers and military police in post war Vienna is my shit. Orson Wells gets more renown as a writer/director but I like him as an actor as well. Skyfall (2012): There is probably a Bond movie thread that discuss this but Skyfall has to be the best Bond right? I hadn’t seen it since theaters and it was great. Great villain, very hot Bond girl although she gets dispatched pretty quickly. Hail, Caesar! (2016): I remember liking it more the first time I watched it, this time it felt a little light with some funny parts. Love that setting for a Cohen brothers movie, just wanted more out of it. Hard Eight (1996): PT Anderson’s first movie. Definitely feels like a first movie in scope compared to his earlier movies but you can see how he became the director that he did. One incredible Phillip Seymour Hoffman scene. Really enjoyable movie and it made me sad this is the type of movie just doesn’t get made anymore.
  19. Lame about Banks, he's a really unique athlete. He'll be a menace for Patterson's defense if his head is right.
  20. Naivar finally able to close on Thompson I guess.
  21. Welp damn. Gbenda being ready gets even more important. He was going to play a lot anyway, especially after Palai’s inevitable targeting penalties, but we need him to be a quality starter. Coaches were really talking him up during the spring, but on the other hand they have tried to get every linebacker with a pulse to campus so mixed messages there.
  22. Take it FWIW, but last week one of the IT mods mentioned that Richardson may ultimately end up at an edge position as well.
  23. When I had just started at UT my close friend/roommate’s older brother suddenly died. He was just starting his adult life, a hilarious guy and great dude. Had a gf he was likely going to marry, it was just totally gutting all around. My friend’s parents needed to be with their surviving son and lived out of town so they drove in and our little shitty West Campus apartment became the spot where the parents, brother, girlfriend, and a few of his other close friends gathered to grieve the night that they lost him. I’ll never forget the immeasurable loss and grief I witnessed that night. I was lucky enough to not have ever personally experienced much loss up to that point and that night just imprinted on me. Aside from the tears, hugs, and sadness that you would expect what really surprised me was the laughter. There were three or four legitimately hilarious jokes/stories his mother told that had the entire room rolling. I’m not sure how the woman even had the strength to stand, let alone allow herself to make us laugh and allow herself to laugh along. The laughter was all mixed up with and sometimes overlapped with the crying. It certainly didn’t make the loss or the grief go away but it was part of everyone in that room’s process. I’ll never forget that sound of laughter coming from the saddest room I had ever been in my life though.
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