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South Austin

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by South Austin

  1. What other photos of him to you have, Nicole?
  2. I know we have Cedric Baxter and two highly-rated freshman RBs who just enrolled. But I think we need to find ways to get Blue as many touches as possible. From what I read about him in high school and his flirtations with the transfer portal, I thought there was a chance he’d be long gone by now. But he seems to have put it together and could be one of our best players on offense.
  3. South Austin


    Procedure was a breeze, so let me pile on this thread by saying to everyone who is 45 and older, if you haven’t gotten your first colonoscopy screening, do it. Do it now. They found a small polyp. I’m not worried since I have no family history (knock on wood), but I have to go back in five years instead of 10. Oh, and when I woke up at 5am and had to shit right away, there was still a small amount of pebbles coming out, and this was after my prior shit around 2:30am that was less than all liquid. I was like, wtf, I went super low fiber and no fruits and vegetables Saturday and Sunday and all clear liquids yesterday. I guess those were hanging around from football season or something. So as an added bonus, I got to give myself my first enema before the procedure, which was nice.
  4. This was going to be my question. My assumption is that if places like Chicago, New York, New Orleans, San Francisco and the like found this many bodies in the adjacent waterways over this period of time, the police in those cities would be forming highly publicized task forces to find a potential single perpetrator/common perpetrators, instead of shrugging their shoulders and saying, “Gosh, we don’t think there’s any link.” Maybe I’m not giving APD credit for what it may be doing behind the scenes, but I haven’t read anything explaining what they’ve been doing behind the scenes to confidently conclude that these are all just unrelated unfortunate coincidences. I mean, it only took a couple pages on this thread for us to figure out this is Nicole, yet APD has just sat on that valuable information for months.
  5. Douchy OU fan + fluff country music + I hate cancer = .3/10 on my give-a-shit meter.
  6. We make fun of aggy corp, but they have to do a push up every once in a while.
  7. I used to go with the wrench. Why? Because fuck him. That’s why.
  8. You’d make a fine little helper. What’s your name?
  9. She better not be lying. I sent her money for a “Snek Fell From The Sky And Bit My Arm All Over” t-shirt.
  10. South Austin


    Couldn’t find the “Shit I’m Cooking Later” thread.
  11. South Austin


    I also have scented candles and an Enya playlist on Spotify ready to go.
  12. South Austin


    I’m 49, and am getting my first one on Tuesday morning. I have no colorectal cancer in my family, so this is just SOP per my primary care physician’s orders. Been going ultra low fiber the last two days and started the liquid diet this morning. Doctor prescribed GaviLyte. Fiancé was all “wtf, they only gave me a couple pills, you should’ve asked for that.” I didn’t know it was ala carte. (Side note: She had thee colonoscopies last year. One was her first, during which they found a polyp large enough that the doc couldn’t take it out then, so he had to schedule a second procedure at a hospital. And then a third for a follow up, where they found two more small ones that were easily removed and benign. She has family history, so she gets another one in three years.) Leaving work early today, going to take the first half around 2pm, and the second around 8pm. Looking forward to a burger on Tuesday evening. Weird this is on the Lulz forum, but I’ve come to learn there’s little rhyme or reason on Surly.
  13. Why ask Jesus? Patrick seems to have plenty of money.
  14. Years later and I still don’t know if this movie was intentional satire. It appears that all the actors were in on it.
  15. The best way to know it’s a fake is if he correctly says the name of Aaron Franklin’s BBQ joint.
  16. This seems like a no-brainer to me. I’ll run it by my financial planner. When I set up some investment accounts with him (which did not include a 529), it was a year or so before the Secure 2.0 act, so the Roth transfer of leftover 529 plan funds wasn’t an option.
  17. Eh. Wishing Trump would die isn’t a bold move, and doesn’t make up for her Federalist Society shitty conservative hot takes over the years. Would not even hate bang.
  18. I’m thinking about dumping some money into a fund for Thing No. 2’s college expenses (he’s in 7th grade). My hesitation with a 529 is that withdrawals are limited to education costs (and I know there’s a separate discussion about potential loopholes for that), and if my son happens to go to a relatively cheap college and/or gets generous merit aid, then the utility of then the 529 might be diminished. The other option is a stock account, where I already have some money parked and I fund it here and there to supplement my retirement account. Here’s my inquiry: Let’s assume my son ends up needing much less of a 529 for college (yes, I know it’s a huge assumption these days) — If I have a large amount in a 529 after my kids are out of college, do the tax benefits of the 529 contributions outweigh the potential penalties for withdrawals from the 529 if they aren’t for education? Would I be better off putting that money in the stock market even if that vehicle does not have the tax advantages of the 529? I’ll hang up and listen.
  19. We talk about Sark in almost every Longhorn-related thread. An odd thing to bitch about, and this message board provides a really low bar.
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