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South Austin

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by South Austin

  1. I love the pepperoncini chicken. But what’s up with the skins off? Watching your cholesterol?
  2. The put that clip on the Godzillatron during a gam a long time ago and it was the only time I recall seeing that. Maybe they got a cease and desist from the studio.
  3. See you all February 1 at Cain & Skarnulis. I’ll bring the chips.
  4. Jail is at the far end of contempt powers and is rarely used. State court judges are usually pussies when it comes to contempt, but I have had one state court judge in Travis County many years ago have a defendant put in the slammer for discovery abuse. On the other hand, I learned early on in my career that you don’t fuck with a federal judge. In a big securities case I had as a young lawyer in Dallas, Judge A. Joe Fish threw a defendant in jail for refusing a discovery order for his deposition, and we got to depose him in federal prison with a white jump suit on and everything. It was awesome.
  5. That is a fantastic way to start the weekend.
  6. Yeah, on the eve of 50, my numbers look pretty good right now. Blood pressure on the high side of normal, but still solid, and my cholesterol and other blood scores are really good. But I have some heart issues on both sides of the family. My dad’s brother had a pacemaker installed in his 60s and died about 5 years ago from complications caused by an infection. My mom’s dad died when she was a junior in high school, though my uncle believes that was the byproduct of rheumatic fever when he was a child. And my mom’s brother was a marathon runner with a fairly healthy diet who one day in his late 50s noticed he was getting more winded after long runs, so he went to see his doctor to find out what’s up. A couple weeks later he gets a triple bypass. Knowing this history, I got a CT scan about 4-5 years ago and the score was 0, so good, but apparently a CT scan can provide only so much information, and I need to see a cardiologist to get the whole enchilada.
  7. @Party_Taco and @elfenix seem to own this thread and we’re all just along for the ride. Another job well done.
  8. Great recommendation. Easy and tasty, and I needed a meal to last a couple days.
  9. It was fantastic in the 1980’s and early 90’s. And Peter King’s Monday Morning Quarterback on SI.com was enjoyable, and during the last several years the only reason why I ever checked out SI. Once he left I was done.
  10. I’m not sure you can call putting the fried fish a PRO move, because it’s obvious to anyone that’s what you do.
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