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South Austin

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by South Austin

  1. Deed corrections are pretty common, and often the title company who handled the transaction will prepare the correction instrument. Since you are both the grantor and grantee, the process should be pretty easy. Check out the provisions for correction instruments in Chapter 5 of the Texas Property Code (Sections 5.207-.030). https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/PR/htm/PR.5.htm
  2. I'm thinking I should join Twitter just to follow the National Lesbian Relations Board.
  3. Recipe for the rice, please? Central Market has something very similar in their pre-made meal section and I pick it up every once in a while.
  4. That’s a really great idea for a political ad that won’t change anyone’s mind.
  5. Kristi Noem personally believes that U. S. Americans are unable to do so because, uh, some people out there in our nation don't have maps and, uh, she believes that our education, like such as in South Africa and, uh, the Iraq, everywhere like such as, and she believes that they should—our education over here in the U. S. should help the U. S., uh, or, should help South Africa and should help the Iraq, and the Asian countries, so we will be able to build up our future, for our children.
  6. I understand. Those incumbents agreed to run at a time when other more well-known, arguably more qualified, candidates decided to stay on the sidelines because nobody knew how the district would swing in the Trump era, and what do you know those guys won. So now it seems like the Democratic party machine is saying, "Hey guys, thank you for your service, but step aside for our hand-plucked candidates." I don't think Karin's candidacy was entirely her idea, but here she is, and I've known her for a while and supported her when she first ran for judge, so I'm giving her my plug (since I guess that's what we're doing here).
  7. Ditto for Sherine. And same for Karin Crump who's running in the primary for a seat on the Austin Court of Appeals. For what it's worth, in an Austin Bar Association Judicial Preference Poll, the votes in the Travis County District Attorney race were: Jeremy Sylestine, 41.7%, 201 votes Jose Garza, 37.1%, 179 votes Not answered, 21.2%, 102 votes Yeah, a small sample size of a relatively homogenous section of the electorate (all lawyers). But Garza should be sweating bullets, and I don't think new leadership can do much worse.
  8. Props to her for saying "crazy shit" on CNN. Let's be more direct about what that fuckstick is doing, and the FTC can kiss all of our asses.
  9. Same. And if you're not looking to cook shit lately, Mongers on Guadalupe offers cioppino as a special every now and then that kicks ass.
  10. Well, it is a good reason to skip leg day.
  11. Well, that's one way to lose the Jewish/Muslim/Hindu/Buddhist/Atheist vote.
  12. Well I got the shit kicked out of me in Wisconsin once, so forget it.
  13. I’d attend just to see in person how batshit crazy that guy has become.
  14. When did we stop bitching about summer?
  15. Green Mile is one of those King books I’ve never had any desire to read for some reason. Loved the film. The Salem’s Lot movie freaked me out as a kid, and I loved the book when I read it in my early 20s. I might need to give it another read.
  16. Well done, Representative Bailes.
  17. Horns down in club hockey? Holy shit.
  18. Nightshift is a beautiful song that was meant to be played in the car while driving in the middle of the night.
  19. My daughter was the athlete (though also a classical guitar major), and my son looks like he's going to be a band kid, and I have no problem with that. And he's also at Lamar Middle School and will attend McCallum High School, so the band kids are even further removed from how they were viewed when I was in high school.
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