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South Austin

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by South Austin

  1. Ism's in my opinion are not good. A person should not believe in an ism, he should believe in himself. I quote John Lennon, "I don't believe in Beatles, I just believe in me." Good point there. After all, he was the walrus. I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people.
  2. You know Paxton is keeping an eye on that.
  3. Especially my reps to your chili posts.
  4. Longer for me. I recall the last time was the one on MLK while studying for finals my first year of law school in Spring of 1997. I was never a fan. When we ate shitty fast food growing up because we didn't know any better, Wendy's was below McDonald's, Burger King, and Hardee's. The one on Far West is surprisingly still there.
  5. Abbott should borrow Desantis' white boots for that.
  6. I bet that's right, and if the "Uncommitted" movement leaders say something along the lines of, "Well, yeah, we still won't vote for Trump in November," then what bit of leverage do that have in their primary "message"?
  7. I used to watch Joe Scarborough a lot, and would be surprised if he's not pouncing on Trump any chance he gets. Then again, few people are awake when his show is on.
  8. I know a lot of them eat pieces of shit for breakfast.
  9. I don't know why I started this, because I hate that fucking band, almost as much as I hate Greg Abbott.
  10. It was a flagrant foul by Cunningham, indeed. But don’t be idiots, Tech fans. Take the final loss, again.
  11. Hey Republicans, noticing all this plight?
  12. I think the spin doctors have noticed.
  13. Not so sure about that anymore. 9 out of 10 midterm races won by Democrats in Hays County
  14. You had a reason to go to McDonald’s before seeing the movie?
  15. Call Jeff Spicoli. His old man is a television repairman. He’s got an ultimate set of tools. He can fix it.
  16. If he could only use that money to open his stores every once in a while.
  17. A very relevant side story: When I was a kid growing up on the east coast, we used to call off-brand products “bobos,” and naturally it was a source of taunting in middle school. For example, Jams were a big thing at the time, and of course I wanted a pair. So when my mom bought me a knock off brand of Jams, I was on the verge of tears because I was going to be wearing bobos to school.
  18. At my age (49), it's not just the empty calories; alcohol also really slows down metabolism and fucks with digestion, leading your body to store more calorie consumption as fat. I've tried to be a moderate drinker for the most part over the past 10 years or so, not drinking during the week and limiting my alcohol intake to the weekends. But I've noticed more over the last couple years that any noticeable weight fluctuations are usually tied to heavier drinking (e.g., Longhorn football season, holidays).
  19. The reporter asked one of the Arab Americans organizing the "uncommitted" movement, "What is your response to the argument that the alternative to Joe Biden is much worse for the Arab and Muslim community?" The man answered along the lines of, "The person who has lost 30 family members in Gaza has no concept of anything worse than that." I'm not saying that's a good answer, but it shows how one demographic might make the Gaza war a singular issue that drives their vote, without the ability to see the bigger picture. Maybe they'll change their mind when November approaches and Trump goes all in on Israel and makes more idiotic comments about the Arab and Muslim population in general. But that NPR piece didn't make me feel all warm and fuzzy.
  20. Interesting piece this morning on NPR about the significant Arab population in Michigan that is organizing an "uncommitted" vote against Biden in the Democratic primary, and is having a hard time voting for him, even when faced with the stark reality that Trump is a way worse option. The war in Gaza is the issue for them in the election, and there's a concern that it may ultimately drive their vote in November and help sway Michigan for Trump.
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