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South Austin

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by South Austin

  1. That with the ribs and City Market is still a solid trip. I like the higher quality food that BBQ places have been offering over the past 10-15 years, but I still love the older joints that aren't overrun by the BBQ bros and maintain that small town local feel.
  2. Didn't watch. Surly tells me Joe did great, so fuck yeah.
  3. Saw that a few years ago and it still makes my sides hurt.
  4. Give me your top five sports movies of all time, whether drama, comedy, etc. 1. Bull Durham 2. Hoosiers 3. Rocky 4. Field of Dreams 5. Major League The No. 5 spot has others that I could easily substitute. But Major League is such a great movie that I've been quoting since I saw it in the theater as a teenager. And Bob Uecker was like the rug that tied that movie together. [I wanted a separate discussion apart from the Rudy love/hate on other thread.]
  5. Me? I didn’t say that. I said the opposite.
  6. Yeah, Jamaal was a badass his junior year and a huge reason we managed win 10 games. But the team as a whole in 2007 was disappointing in some respects, and we had no real start at RB in 2008, so I get the “what if” of his sentiment.
  7. Most people won’t watch this, and they’ll rely on the news outlet if their choice to tell them how it went.
  8. Sort of the same for me. My mom lived in San Francisco in the late 60s/early 70s, so her records that I inherited included stuff like CCR, The Association, Sly and the Family Stone, The Mamas and the Papas. No Marvin Gaye, but driving with my mom as a kid in the late 70s/early 80s, she listened to a lot of “oldies” stations, so I grew up with the broader music of the 60s, including R&B. I’ve loved that stuff since.
  9. Forget concept album. One of the greatest albums of all time
  10. Four point deduction for the book.
  11. That's what my agent told me. I have some carpet upstairs and it's pretty worn, but a steam clean made it look pretty good for showing. Also did a deep clean with a professional service and it hasn't looked this pristine since move in.
  12. Ha! Thankfully, no. Moving into my fiance's house.
  13. Maybe. But I know a couple that just sold there house in the Great Hills-ish area at the higher end of that range, and got $100,000 above listing price. My house is south of that, around the $750,000 to $800,000 range. At least I won't lose money. I bought it for $535,000 at the end of 2019, and my loan balance is about $395,000.
  14. It's Brentwood (username hasn't checked out since Hornfans circa 2006), but in any event I hope you're right. Seems like a lot of stuff in the area has been sitting for a while
  15. Listing my house on Thursday. The last two houses I sold in Austin were in a rising market with great rates, so I did pretty well. This time around, probably not so much. Thanks Biden/Trump/Obama/Mack!
  16. Okay, so he didn’t leave the defenders on the ground, but he had two guys on him at the catch, and still absorbed the blow and plowed ahead. Thanks for locating!
  17. Mack isn’t coaching, so no. Talk about setting a city back.
  18. They’re also called gutters.
  19. Yep. My favorite play of Worthy in 2023 was against Alabama, and it wasn’t the long TD. He caught about a 6-yard out on the sideline and immediately absorbed a big hit by the defender. Worthy shook it off, left the defender on the ground, and trucked ahead for another 5 yards or so for a first down.
  20. Nice. I love their pastrami. I live only a few blocks away and don’t go there nearly enough.
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