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Native Horn

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Native Horn

  1. And Jerrah thinks HE'S a bidness man!
  2. My freshman year at UT might as well have been considered a gap year. Between playing pick-up basketball at Eastwoods and hanging at the Posse five nights a week, I didn't spend much time at all on school. Mature-me wishes I had not done that, even though it was a blast.
  3. Lulz. We both got to wear our colored jerseys! And we painted a tiny Tulane logo on our field!
  4. OU sux at #4 after barely beating Tulane at home by five is laughable.
  5. What, are they sharing their bag o' dicks now?
  6. Watched first episode last night - still a helluva gut punch. The sheer horror that surrounded that day is just not understandable by me, even now.
  7. Winner, winner, chicken dinner. Literally.
  8. Gideon gonna remind the DBs that the sideline is like another defender.
  9. It's so when Kurt pisses himself, it's not as obvious on the carpet.
  10. I also have Vivint, and they are stupid expensive. Will be following this thread. In Austin, if you have a monitored alarm system, you also owe $50 per year to APD to "register" your system. If your monitored alarm goes off and APD shows up without your alarm being registered, it's like a $250 fine. Which I suppose if it's a legit break-in and the cops catch the perp, worth it? Who are we kidding, they don't have 'em working in shifts on this. Also, some homeowner's insurance companies require proof of monitoring so that you get that sweet 5% discount or whatever.
  11. So you're saying we will see a whiff of Ida in Texas?
  12. How's that supposed to hold down a whole double-wide??
  13. Phrasing. He may have chosen one, but not named him. Whatevs. Hurry up September 4th!
  14. Agree with the drone intro being very cool. Also, Treyvon Diggs' kid is pretty stinkin cute.
  15. Well are you going to love it, or are you going to list it?
  16. Quick scan of the thread appears it's only gone for Tree Fiddys? Not showing for me either.
  17. High-school hamburgers to me meant going to $0.39 hamburgers on Anderson near Burnet. As non-awesome as the burgers were, you could gorge for $3.00 including fries and drink. Fortunately, the food in that location has improved over the years
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