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Al Czervik

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Everything posted by Al Czervik

  1. Anyone want to make $14 the hard way? No dudes. Honestly, your quote was one if the few times I’ve laughed at ‘username does not check out’ keep up the Lords work.
  2. I have 10’s of dollars that can be donated for a banner flying over the stadium pulled by jet backpack man demanding the ouster of Bob Cole. This is TEXAS, not some blended, swag, never been there before program. And the folks that think they know what is wanted or happening need to recognize the shit show their forcing on the fans. Yes I’m old school but give a brother a Slippery Rock score every now and then and it’ll go a long ways. #teamwally(quarter)prior
  3. An aggy wins the hiesman Trophy every year. They just don't like to brag about it.
  4. Went to this one the other day and the guy taking my order and payment was extremely helpful and courteous. Pissed me off. If I wanted a nice ordering experience I'd go to chick fil a. When I go to popeyes I expect at least three eye rolls, unbridled hatred of the customer, and I want my bag of food thrown at me, not nicely handed to me with a smile. I need the true Popeye's experience. Man-salughter area? You should go to the Taco Cabana at that intersection if your looking for a true "Popeye's" experience.
  5. No. Got the answer from a friends mother.
  6. True story. Not a bad movie. Slow ending. Even better that it has no aggys.
  7. Aiden must be in another class.
  8. Al Czervik


    Is the granddaughter’s friend that annoying kid who said ‘whats a computer?’ From that stupid ass commercial thread?
  9. Needs Homer Simpson <U-R-Ghey> gif
  10. Took 2 briskets, turkey breast and 4lbs of sausage all frozen and vac sealed in a carry on recently. TSA punctured all of the packages opening up the mylar bags it was packed in. Could not reheat in boiling water and resorted to oven bags, turned out awesome just 45 minutes later on dinner. TSA couldn’t give two shits opening everything up even as I asked them to be careful. Feel bad for you.
  11. Got invited to one of these with our benefits provider. It was awesome, half the group took home leftovers because most if the crowd was female and not big eaters. The way to go, fuck that line stuff.
  12. Was it Billy Carter singing to the tune of Tony Orlando and Dawn ‘Tie a Yellow Ribbon’? that shit has somehow stuck with me.
  13. We Americans are freedom-loving people and nothing says freedom like getting away with it. From a Guy Forsyth song. Spot on. And fuck Ted Nugent.
  14. Was that celebration taking a sip of tea or a hit from a joint?
  15. I think Costello said something to him as well that made you think that he also knew.
  16. Interesting. His apartment was quite neat. Never mentions a lady to the realtor, and gets fussy when asking for the papers to sign.
  17. A bunch of hate up on here from the Surly. I just want to work remotely for a few weeks and get in some fishing in between.
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