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Everything posted by Paper_jam

  1. Those are some very oddly shaped heads. Did a carnival train break down in Collie Station and lose their freaks & geeks?
  2. This game may not have quite been an "ass kicking" but it highlighted several major flaws. Dallas' DL and LB were consistently handed their ass by GB's rushing on early downs, which made it that much harder to stop drives. Green Bay is only a midpack rushing team but they dominated the line of scrimmage. Worse, Dallas' offense (especially passing) mostly scores touchdowns on home-run plays and on big coverage mistakes by the defense. When playing mediocre teams, this is still good enough to rack up a decent number of points, but football is situational and Dallas has great difficulty scoring or getting 1st downs when it matters most.
  3. This was a complete team failure. Dak hits some plays, racks up some points, but is unable to consistently get the KEY completions for touchdowns/first downs that are needed to put any game away. Most of Dallas's "successful" pass plays look improvised or lucky. They can't reliably hit the 8-to-15 yard stuff that you need to sustain drives, or score TDs from first-&-goal. The Dallas running game was tepid in the first half, and then was abandoned just when it seemed like it was starting to work. The defense got a few big plays but again, failed at consistency--gave up way too many run yards on 1st & 2nd down, setting up lots of easy short-yardage 3rd downs. DBs were inconsistent with coverage. How do you fucking lose to a team that lost to Detroit? You could feel this 4th qtr collapse coming from a mile away. In a lot of ways it was like watching UT play.
  4. Reminds me a little of Shea Morenz minus the baseball. Or Peter Gardere? At least Gardere beat OU 4 times.
  5. Man, in hindsight my parents had it easy. By the time I was 10 I was getting up on my own (nobody "woke me up for school"). making my own "breakfast" (Raisin Bran or a microwaved muffin or biscuit), walking to the nearest school bus stop a half mile away (why do kids today have the bus practically stop in front of every house?), etc. Uphill, in the snow, etc. To be fair my dad did take me fishing a lot but mainly because it gave him a chance to drink and be away from the wife.
  6. I'm no fan of teddy C but throwing a beer can at him is just deplorable. Should have used a bottle.
  7. Is Commander Adama under contract to anyone? I'd take him as a HC or DC any day,
  8. Does the outcome of KU-rapelor either way matter for Texas' chance at the Big 12 championship? Is there any upside if rapelor wins?
  9. Paper_jam


    Is this available somewhere in better quality? Twitter is...not a great platform for video.
  10. That's insane that there's no more shuttle. How can we live in a city this big and yet be so inept at transportation for major events?
  11. I hope this preliminary shower over Austin ahead of the line doesn't stabilize things just enough for the main band to fizzle when it gets here
  12. There were all kinds of dark clouds and rainbows and shit around my house but not a drop of actual fuckin precip. Very disapoint.
  13. Yeah, but $2.50 in 1962 is equivalent to $25-30 today, so not as cheap as it sounds. (But still cheap compared to current tix)
  14. The coverage now seems really sanitized, compared to how I remember crashes and injuries being covered on American TV in the 70s and 80s. ABC's coverage of the Indy 500 routinely showed guys on fire and limp bodies hanging out of shattered racecars, replayed from every possible angle.
  15. It turns out deep space is still really into disco. With this being an IR telescope, how do they translate that into a visible "color" image? And why do some objects have giant diffraction spikes? I thought that was an optical phenomenon.
  16. If we get to a point where a state legislature sends electors that pick a candidate who didn't win the election, the people of said state need to burn it all down.
  17. If this is a yearbook-type document, it could mean Roll of Honor. But that's just a guess.
  18. Surly today because I have at least SIX partially-full spray bottles of Tilex, Tru Grit Bathroom Cleaner, etc. which I can't use because the spray pump mechanism doesn't work, leaks excessively, or just breaks off. Including two almost full bottles. Now I have a bathroom cabinet full of household haz waste that I can't use or dispose of easily. When you put caustic chemicals in a plastic spray bottle, for fucks sake use high quality chemical-resistant materials that are appropriate for the fucking job. All the people who design and sell shitty container packaging like this should be EXECUTED and I will happily pull the trigger myself.
  19. A decade or two ago, you'd hear a lot about Africanized bees in Texas, and after an attack like this there'd always be something said about getting some kind of analysis done to confirm if the swarm was Africanized or "standard." But in recent fatal bee attacks I rarely even see that question asked or answered. Are Africanized bees still a thing here?
  20. I keep hearing suggestions that high energy prices are because environmental nuts have killed production of fossil fuels. But based on the data I can find, domestic oil production is only a few percent down from it's high (2019): 2018: 5,588,101,000 barrels of crude oil + petroleum products 2019: 6,246,598,000 barrels of crude oil + petroleum products 2020: 6,023,457,000 barrels of crude oil + petroleum products 2021: 6,052,509,000 barrels of crude oil + petroleum products The EIA says 2022 oil production is running above 2021, and forecasts that 2023 will set a record for US crude oil production. https://www.eia.gov/outlooks/steo/report/us_oil.php When it comes to natural gas, the story is about the same--steadily increasing US production with a peak in 2019, a slight decline in 2020, and we are now nearly back up to 2019 production levels. So at least for oil & gas, the numbers I can find don't support the theory that we've slashed production. Whether current production is enough to keep up with demand is another matter. Now coal production in the US has indeed fallen off a cliff in the last 10 years. I'm not too broken up about that as coal is nasty and I'd prefer it only be used in situations where natural gas isn't available in sufficient quantities.
  21. Those front wheels & tires look tiny. How does it not understeer like crazy?
  22. Y'all are some energy hogs. I'm doing my part at 79 F, which is tolerable with ceiling fans. Think what Jimmy Carter would want you to do. I don't think my AC is even strong enough to keep my house at 72, on a hot day.
  23. It looks to me like Travis County new cases are creeping up to (very roughly) 200+/day, where we were more like 100/day a month ago. That's based on the DSHS data in the lower left panel of the site linked below. I hate to see the trend inching up, but I'm certainly not surprised given that so many people, including me, are back in the office, starting to dine out, travel, etc. https://austin.maps.arcgis.com/apps/dashboards/39e4f8d4acb0433baae6d15a931fa984
  24. Using a BOGO is fine with me; the even more pro move would be to get her to pay for the "buy one" part. Yeah I'm still single why do you ask?
  25. I can see a point not too far off where my property taxes will equal or exceed my federal income tax liability, unless my income goes up a lot unexpectedly. (And I only own one home.) Glad I bought when I did--despite a higher salary now than in 2002, I couldn't buy my own house again based on it's current value and my current salary.
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