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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Sawbonz

  1. He cut all the dead weight out of this program (get in the muthafuka) and the players left know he is actively trying to recruit over them. He has brought in well respected coordinators and position coaches with skins on the wall. He has worked his ass off throughout his amateur and professional career to be the absolute best he could be seems like a recipe for success after fb for the players who stick it out. ETA and he has accomplished all this while being himself. when he was drafted by the Falcons he insisted on going with his agent (some old white dude I’m sure). The agent wanted him to wait outside but he insisted on going in. He insisted on reading the offer as well though the agent told him to be quiet and let him handle it. he read the offer, looked across the table, scoffed and said “y’all must want me just returning punts” and got ready to walk. I think those players are in good hands
  2. Without even realizing you have distilled the problem to its essence
  3. What is the most straightforward way to end the killing of Ukrainians?
  4. Do you want to go ahead and link the public apologies and resignations that followed the publishing of those photos?
  5. Same. Seems like you could make a bundle on this one though
  6. If they can stay within 21 that’s a moral victory IMO esp if hunter and Shiloh are both out. If they somehow pull out a win that will be hilarious
  7. No no guys it’s the left that is nurturing neo nazism. Wake up sheeple!!
  8. You didn't leave your bedroom window unlocked? also this and this
  9. So she lost the 2nd fob that came w the vehicle?
  10. Venables is a dick and OU sucks
  11. Honestly, if it gets to the point where 4 stars are picking the leader of the government, they are just going to pick one of their own
  12. May be apocryphal. I heard bayless was interviewing a cowboy post game in the locker room and Washington walked by on the way to or from the showers, stopped, peed on his leg, and walked off without saying a word
  13. That’s my point. Can you legally refinance a balloon payment of $100M when you know (and more importantly the court knows) the collateral backing that loan is worth $10M?
  14. Doesn’t he have several balloon payments coming due soon? If his entity is with a receiver will they do the refinancing?
  15. Whenever I see him, all I think about is James Washington peeing on his leg
  16. I know nothing about any of this, but if what those of you who do know these things are saying is true, it looks like Trump is fine as long as all of the creditors hold their water and wait for the defunct company to wind down and the new company to wind up (assuming the creditors have acceleration clauses in these loans). If any one of them gets an itchy trigger finger, seems like there will be a run on Trump’s assets.
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