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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Sawbonz

  1. of course it’s a great song. But I’m going to have it stuck in my head until a another song displaces it. And that song may or may not be a great song maybe this will do it
  2. How is anyone ok with someone having to fill out a form to buy a gun? Clear violation of the 2nd amendment “shall not be infringed “ motherfuckers
  3. I wonder what Bill Parcels thinks of this development
  4. I’m sure she’s going to ask the media to give her privacy as she goes through these difficult times
  5. I want to go pol pot on you for getting that song stuck in my head
  6. Please tell me Rusty is not giving the closing argument
  7. 400 children and a crop in the field
  8. How long do you give a bar owned by a Gallagher and a Flannigan?
  9. This is just dumb. If he loses he will be gone. If he wins he will be on to a bigger program, until he gets to the top. Just like every other coach in big time football
  10. And this is why the Republican Party has to die. Moderates can start another party and pick up moderate dems, or they can join moderate dems and there can be a schism in the Dem party between moderate and progressive, but the Republican Party is irredeemable the Democratic Party cannot be a big enough tent to be the only tent
  11. If they are found guilty do they lose 5th amendment protections from testifying against Trump in his trial?
  12. And that is not sustainable. Hence Brisket et al on the ledge
  13. The fact that no one around here can fathom a leftist personality cult and authoritarian regime is mind bottling. Of course right now we have to kill the Republican Party. But you are absolutely correct the left cannot rule alone eta those arguing that anything could be accomplished in this country without opposing parties is very naive. You would have to throw out the constitution and start over
  14. I know it’s way early and attrition could really hurt them, but how many games will they be more than a one score underdog? USC Oregon Utah w a healthy Rising? who else?
  15. Why don’t we drive down there..:. And fuck em all?
  16. Excuse me good sir. Clearly you are not familiar with Disclaimer Clause and protective language doctrine
  17. Why don’t any DACA advocates file suit to keep it in more favorable districts?
  18. Paywalled. What judge ruled?
  19. Federal tax dollars well spent right there
  20. You’ve clearly never had their fried chicken and sweet tea
  21. You just wonder how much more quickly things would have moved along if the head of your prosecution team were not someone used to being at Lubys by 4 My understanding is the prosecution is alleging that Paul was seeking protection from the feds from Paxton. Is that not correct?
  22. I don’t think his mistress on the stand will win sympathy points. If anything it reinforces the leverage Paul had on Paxton. potential blackmail on top of the bribes sews it up nicely. And the guy who you are alleging got protection from the feds would be pleading the 5th? I think that helps if they aren’t called it means the house managers believe they already have the votes imo
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