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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Sawbonz

  1. I honestly don’t know why the admin is bothering w a lawsuit. Send FBI agents to hire contractors to dismantle that shit and go stack it in piles in some state owned parking lot. Let them know anyone trying to put it back will be arrested. If Abbott sues ignore any court order on lack of jurisdiction It’s time to stop playing nice
  2. Who turned a blind eye? Get your head out of your ass eta this is a classic example of appeal to the extreme
  3. I’m really pissed Biden’s people are allowing this bullshit
  4. I put odds at 50% Trump has a cardiac event (either actual MI or angina requiring stents) or stroke in the next 18 months
  5. I edited the other post as well as removed the offensive pic. Please accept my apology
  6. I guess I need to find a neutral term for individuals with IQs 70 or below
  7. Anyone with an IQ > 70 who grew up in the US and has access to network or cable news and the internet knows the connotations of those images as part of artistic expression Unconscious bias would be watching the news break a story about a liquor store robbery, a carjacking, or random sucker punch and assuming the race of the perpetrator before their picture popped up on the screen. eta that song isn’t even sort of “country” It sounds like a bad late 80’s hair band power ballad with “country” lyrics.
  8. Well a few years ago there were a bunch of viral videos of “urban youths” sucker punching random people and running carjacking is something that concerns Chads and Karens enough to post a lot about on Facebook and seem always to be committed by “urban youths” While redneck white trash pos types are known to knock over liquor stores, in the context of the rest of the lyrics -and especially given the images chosen for the video- would seem to connote “urban youths” as the perpetrators to anyone with above a room temperature IQ Everyone knows “urban youth” really means
  9. Eh it’s not a great song by any stretch. But it rings true My mom’s dad was pulled out of school after finishing 4th grade to help his mom dad and older siblings pick cotton on land outside of Mansfield they would lose to the bank anyway. They stayed on as sharecroppers for the man who ultimately got it for pennies on the dollar and he never went back to school. Unfortunately not a unique story I hate to think of what that land is worth today
  10. You seem to know a lot of details about something you say you don’t give a shit about
  11. Imagine Waylon “backing the blue” 🙄 also was driving earlier and Alabama's “song of the south” came on. 30 years ago you could have a no. 1 country song lamenting the difficult realities of rural life during the great depression but also praising FDR and the New Deal and noting the benefits and necessity of urbanization. If released now they would probably be accused of being communist pedophiles
  12. Username checks out also y’all need to take the gun talk to the CR. This thread is for ridiculing shitty music takes
  13. Any time you hear this just say clearly God’s plan is for Biden to be president. I’m so glad you’re behind him 100%
  14. Is there a fix for this I missed?
  15. Absolutely. That is no reason to minimize what she actually did.
  16. Let’s be real. Nebraska teen who induced labor at 28 weeks and likely let the resultant delivered human die got off lightly. This was a despicable act, most likely due to ignorance rather than malice, but we should call out abhorrent behavior when we see it
  17. They were aggy so there’s no telling. It was years ago though
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