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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by jimmyjazz

  1. I could imagine it working if the format were more professional. Instead of Can't wait to chat. Friday good? try I would appreciate the chance to speak with you about our services and show you how we might add value to your business. If you're interested, please let me know some good times for a short phone call and I'll make it happen.
  2. We all know where the peak is. I've circled it in orange:
  3. Oh, no. Some guys who have been printing money for 30 years might not be able to print quite as much money. I'm verklempt.
  4. I just love the idea that an intelligent man would consider hitching his VP wagon to such an unelectable nutjob. Oh wait, we're talking about A-aron? Never mind, carry on. My bad.
  5. So far rain in Austin proper by 8 PM is . . . not happening.
  6. He was safe. We're getting fucked here.
  7. Holy christ, another walk, and 4 straight pitches.
  8. Attaboy. Walk the leadoff hitter.
  9. How the hell do you watch a 75 mph softball cross the middle of the plate w/o swinging?
  10. When did/does she graduate, and what major?
  11. Good to see our fielding rounding into form for the post-season.
  12. Why are we trying to bunt our way on base?
  13. Well, I've managed teams as far back as two decades, but this startup has one manager -- the CEO. All the rest of us are flat (a whopping 10 or so).
  14. How's that not an out at first?
  15. KXAN "future radar" suggesting rain will hit Austin ~ 8 PM. Good luck with that.
  16. So, delayed start or some sinister magic?
  17. Your son is clearly a straight shooter with upper management written all over him. Good job.
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