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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by jimmyjazz

  1. Recs for great restaurants in the area? We aren't exactly high end diners -- The French Laundry ain't happening -- but Asian, seafood, bar food, Italian, other? We'll be there on my birthday, so great pizza would not be a problem. Cali-Mex (or whatever it's called), too. Indian is a favorite of ours. Tapas. Whatever.
  2. Great, I appreciate the input. Muir Woods has some ocean-viewing webcams, but that may not mean much.
  3. Depends on the butt. I mean, not mine.
  4. Yeah, I've bought a few different Martin's products over the last year or so -- pretty good.
  5. Looking at a map, i guess one concern I'd have is that Armstrong doesn't abut the Pacific, but Muir Woods does. That's kind of a thing for us. Am I off base?
  6. Despite her PhD from "Waren National University", she seems well out of Rudy's league. (There does appear to be a "Warren National University" that's a defunct "distance learning" diploma mill.) She's probably about 60 years old.
  7. Me & Paul are together on that one. Not my fave.
  8. No problem with zin whatsover. I like most varietals -- cab, pinot, whatever. I'd like to buy a really good bottle or six to bring home.
  9. ANYWAY, on to the wine country: what are the best vineyards to visit? I'm a red wine guy, wife doesn't drink. She can drive. Looking for tastings, setting, hotels, etc.
  10. Soda Bar will have to do this time around.
  11. They'll be in San Diego this Wednesday. Maybe I can get him on the guest list if he'd like to check it out. Or, there's ABQ tonight, Phoenix Tuesday, a couple of shows in LA soon thereafter and then Vegas. All kinds of destinations!
  12. Dude, you are really thick. We are going because our daughter is playing a big show there. For fuck's sake, it doesn't have to be fucking paradise for us to visit. I'll make sure to clear everything with you next trip in plenty of time for us to avoid horrible mistakes.
  13. With the way Houston floods, would that be a good idea? Well, they'd be insulated, which would change the safety concerns.
  14. Certainly not as stylish as this:
  15. As others have said, it would be hilarious to spoil their season. I'm almost hoping for the chance. (Not really, I don't trust this team that much, but stranger things have happened between us and those dipshits.)
  16. I always say, if I'm gonna suck, I might as well suck on a beautiful guitar.
  17. Plus, he knew this back in the first week of April, when he tanked 2 of 3 to BYU. The dude is a legitimate seer.
  18. jimmyjazz

    Fuck Cancer

    All my best, Nuge.
  19. jimmyjazz

    Fuck Cancer

    Sorry, Nuge. Cancer sucks. Tuesday is a family dinner to commemorate the passing of my wife's dad 1 year ago. We're going to a shitty TexMex joint with all the siblings, because Fred loved shitty TexMex. I'm gonna get cheese enchiladas with fresh onions on top, because he couldn't tolerate fresh onions but always ordered them anyway.
  20. People have been howling about the imminent deficit spending induced collapse for a half century. That's not to say it can't or won't happen, but the hysteria has been roughly the same the whole time.
  21. Didn't want to start a new thread since it seems there is little interest -- we "watched" the Amy Winehouse biopic at iPic Austin tonight. Honestly, it was pretty good. I didn't really understand how much her music and addictions were driven by her boyfriend/husband Blake.
  22. I had a Basset hound. Norman. He was a bigass snowflake, dumb as a box of hammers, but he loved belly rubs, and his ears stunk because he always had yeast infections. One time i went a couple of weeks without mowing my back yard and he got lost in the tall grass. Just sat there and howled.
  23. The Lodge looks good, $350/night. If we based there but wanted to go into the city would it be better to Uber or drive our rental and pay for parking?
  24. Hey, we act younger than we are. Er, less mature.
  25. Thumbs up or down on the zoo?
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