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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by jimmyjazz

  1. Yeah, this ump's style is annoying. You aren't the show, blue. Let's pick it up.
  2. I'm a little surprised a framed but unsheathed house can catch enough wind to collapse, but there you go.
  3. Of course it makes no sense. The Big XII is stupid.
  4. When we made that overnight pit stop downtown OKC, the Thunder had a home game and the visiting team was also at our hotel. I had really very little perception of how tall, skinny and young an NBA team could be.
  5. Wife & I did a loop on the hike & bike trail. Got a little steamy by noon. (The weather, not us.)
  6. My wife and I want to visit the Bay Area 6/29 - 7/7. Neither of us has spent any real time there. We're looking for recommendations on hotels, B&Bs, restaurants, and places to see. Some things on our list include: -- Alcatraz -- San Francisco proper -- wine country (need advice on whether Napa or Sonoma might be better) -- either Redwood or Sequoia National Park (need advice on which is "better") -- other?
  7. We stayed in OKC's "best" downtown hotel ~ 2006. The "river walk" was basically a drainage pipe with water in it. Most of the restaurants were Sysco chain types. It was really cheesy. We were driving from Missouri but had two young children in tow; otherwise, we would have pushed through to Austin. Blech.
  8. What's the update on OSU-Houston?
  9. I just hope Greg can sober up in time. (Only half joking.)
  10. A couple of summers ago we had a flight from NYC diverted to OKC instead of DFW. Storms. We had already spent a good amount of time on the tarmac at both airports when I started to feel kinda janky. We caught a rideshare to the nearest hotel and I wore a mask in the lobby as we checked in to their last available room. The desk guy was really put out by me wearing a mask. I told him I didn't feel well and thought it might be covid, he was adamant I take the mask off "so he could hear me". I did. I popped a positive test the next day after we landed at ABIA. Ha ha, fucker. Okies.
  11. I know everyone is frustrated with DP (at a minimum), but watch that team clear the dugout after the game-winning sac fly tonight. This team has the same kind of culture that Sark is cultivating. Hang on.
  12. Fuck that KU coach. What a puss.
  13. Game. Blouses. So fucking David Pierce. I don't know how he gets these teams peaking when they do, but he does. That was some serious heart.
  14. FUCK. YES. This team has some heart.
  15. That looks delicious.
  16. Good lord, he dumped it in the dirt. We can't win for losing. Oh K.
  17. I don't want to know why Ozzie has smiley faces on his kneecaps.
  18. I understand none of that. Christ.
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