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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by jimmyjazz

  1. I had the 1/4 dark at T22 last night. Honestly, it was pretty good. I got "Hot" seasoning, which is basically one step above "milquetoast". It was hot enough for me. Their fries suck, though. Should've gotten double mac'n'cheese.
  2. Hozier. LOL. I hate it when both headliners are uninteresting to me. I was mildly excited to see Kanye, based on the hype, and he was astonishingly bad. I mean, really terrible. He was so bad my wife and I strolled over to watch Coldplay, a band I could not be less interested in. They were bad too, but not as bad as Kanye. We went to Magnolia Cafe and I had some Eggs Zapatino, which rocked.
  3. Who called it? Oh, me? Maybe we still have time for another round. Classic forcefield so far.
  4. I promised my wife I'd mow the yard weeds before Mothers Day, and got some work in ahead of the weather this evening. At this point, I'm just an environmental piker. It doesn't help that my crappy electric mower's battery lasts about 10 minutes. Eh, fuck it, we're selling next year anyway.
  5. Tornado Warning downgraded to Severe Thunderstorm Warning for Llano County.
  6. Bill Miller is off our list since they closed their Burnet Road location. I mean, our older son was their "chicken guy". He knew their fried chicken inside and out. Good luck getting him to cook it for us, though. Something something "finish my degree", blah.
  7. We lost a serious talent when Yeomans bolted for Chicago. It was understandable, but it feels like KXAN might have underestimated what they might need to pay.
  8. I don't know when (or if) Alex sobered up, but if he was downing a 12-pack per day in the mid-80s and is still doing so, he's at Keef level immortality.
  9. Never mind the part where "Tornado Emergency" is a new reference, first used in 1999. God knows how many situations would have warranted TE prior to then.
  10. Nobody is suggesting that Arch shouldn't (or isn't) taking their advice. My only point is that it would be odd to have some sort of scripted approach to his college/pro career that everyone is in on.
  11. Either that or burgers and chicken cooked at 400 F on a gas grill.
  12. Fuck. First Bill Gates planted chips in my body via the Coronahoax vaccine, and now he's MODIFYING THE WEATHER?
  13. That's the little town near "Pioneer Woman" Ree Drummond's ranch. I like watching her cook, she completely lacks pretension. As a died in the wool Show Me guy who moved to Texas for college, I'd never live in Oklahoma, but there are a lot of good (if misguided) people there.
  14. @Gil Bang in the bag. Let It Be.
  15. Ooh, sick burn. Sorry, Gerry's mom.
  16. I love how Gerry and the other pundits expound on how "the Manning family" does things, as if they operate out of some sort of mafia war room. Arch probably listens to his uncles and his granddad. I suspect he listens most to his own parents. To say Arch might not go NFL with only one season of starting is pure conjecture, and likely not grounded in any real inside information.
  17. Jesus H, what a list of credits. I don't care that he was an asshole or that I hate his drum sounds most of the time, that's astonishing. I adore this record. I had no idea Albini did it. Ditto. Dang.
  18. jimmyjazz


    Specifically tiramisu, but I figured I'd broaden the question. My wife loves tiramisu. Who's got the best in town? (Restaurant, bakery, grocery store, whatever.) Mother's Day dessert. Other great desserts in Austin?
  19. For anyone needing a brunch reservation in Austin on Sunday, I have it on good authority that the following restaurants might each have one available: Curra's (Duval St.) Pappasito's Manuel's (Jollyville Road) Cover 3 (Anderson Lane)
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