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Everything posted by mdleast

  1. It's July 29th and had my first sighting of an Oktoberfest while out shopping.
  2. Actually thinking about driving as far south as Pacific City and Cape Kiwanda.
  3. Wife and I are headed up this way in August for a Thursday to Sunday long weekend trip. Flying into Portland and staying there Thursday night. Will stay Friday and Saturday night in Cannon Beach. I love seeing the coast wherever I view and especially scenic locations. For Saturday I was thinking we’d get up that morning and drive down south though Mazanita, Rockaway Beach down to Cape Meares State and Cape Lookout and over to Tillamook. Then maybe drive back up the coast to Astoria. Thoughts? Anything I’m missing? Is going up north to Astoria a better move than perhaps heading further south? TIA
  4. Except as that chart shows to the contrary. I don't have any real vested interest in which conference (without UT) draws more viewers or what any stats (dubious to some or not) reflect but i find it interesting that so many on here appear to have SUCH a vested interest.
  5. Doesn't The Athletic's numbers make initial sense from just a TV market perspective? Generally speaking, aren't most of those remaining PAC schools in bigger TV markets than those remaining Big 12? I listen to a lot of CFB podcasts and seem to recall a discussion last week of this same point.
  6. Per the article: Below is a chart of the remaining Pac-12 and Big 12 schools’ average TV ratings, from 2015-19 and 2021. (Games against Oklahoma/Texas and USC/UCLA are excluded.)
  7. That Athletic article that Francisco quotes above is really interesting and, in particular, that chart with average viewers, is not what I bet most people who think if you asked them which conference had more average viewers:
  8. Wife and I went to Brick & Bones down in Deep Ellum for brunch. I had the chicken and waffles and she had the tenders and mac n cheese. All were quite tasty. Bonus points for the atmosphere as I love a dive bar kind of aesthetic. The pics don’t really do it justice but, coming in from the bright heat outside to the very dark cool vibes of this place was a bonus. Kind of reminds me of Casino El Camino in Austin but slightly nicer.
  9. Granted, Cannon Beach or somewhere coastal like that is where we would probably be looking to stay and looks awesome weather-wise.
  10. This thread is relevant to my interests as my wife and I have been discussing a long weekend/escape the hellish Dallas temperatures getaway in early August. Have been kicking around Portland or Seattle. While these forecasts don’t go out quite that far out, I was disappointed to see the high temps on there (for Portland in particular next week):
  11. Please tell me this fucking bullshit era of car buying will end soon. I’ve been wanting to buy a new vehicle for a while but I simply cannot stomach the idea of buying when the market is so abnormally high.
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