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Everything posted by CleverNickname

  1. Around 4:24am. https://www.khou.com/mobile/article/news/local/breaking-large-blast-rattling-windows-felt-across-houston-area/285-dfb38cd1-484e-48f3-b87c-6bac0b7f2a25
  2. according to some random dude on a website I aint never heard of (so 100% reliable IMO) https://flutrackers.com/forum/forum/-2019-ncov-new-coronavirus/china-2019-ncov/821830-china-2019-ncov-cases-in-several-provinces-and-cities-including-confirmed-health-care-workers-at-least-17-deaths?view=stream That... makes me way less worried. Yall boomers fucked, though.
  3. the wikipedia page is a great resource. Updated multiple times a day. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019–20_outbreak_of_novel_coronavirus_(2019-nCoV) Deaths have roughly doubled each of the last 4 days. By my calculations by the end of February it will have killed 22 billion people.
  4. The chinese seller crap has definitely increased noticeably.
  5. Coworker and I have a coffee bet: boyfriend/murder he wins; PPD/suicide I win. In other news, we're going to hell.
  6. I was up at the ranch (Mullin) building a treehouse/clubhouse for my kiddo - taking advantage of the holiday. Temp dropped from 66 to 36 with haste.
  7. Cat not thrilled with the thunder and rain here in 78759.
  8. I mean, the arch appears to have done its job. Kudos arch. The rest not so much...
  9. More like I'm sitting here in a outdated craphole that is falling apart around me because I'm too cheap to do anything but kick-the-can repairs. But seriously, we had a teardown of a pretty normal house down the street (78759) and I'm now I'm thinking why bother do the aesthetic stuff? Zero payback in resale when I sell in another dozen years and its time to downsize. Plus the cigarette burn on the kids bathroom counter reminds me of my mom.
  10. Some old houses are falling apart. Others have bizarre layouts that are not helpful. Some people prefer a galley kitchen, and others must take down the bar to have an open kitchen/living. I get it, there are great reasons to upgrade and change things up. But am I the only one who really doesn't care? If there isn't some awful drywall gap behind the cabinets that is responsible for a roach infestation, or leaky pipes making mold, I don't get why people bother. Aint nothing wrong with a kitchen has that 80s faux wood laminate counters. And at some point it becomes so old, like 70s avocado green tile, that it becomes rad vintage. Same with bathrooms. Sometimes the grout is not salvageable and the toilet is beyond hope and its just time to rip everything out. But sometimes its just sort of dated, but the water is hot and the shitter uses 2.4 imperial gallons of fuck you per flush. Don't get me wrong, I like new stuff okay. I just see the remodeling bills that some folks seem happy to eat, and think I'd much rather have another $25k cash sitting around for something else.
  11. I guess when I look at the gallery it just looks like a hell of a lot of pits to me.
  12. Saw this link in reddit: https://www.austinpetsalive.org/adopt/dogs And that's a whole lot of pits and part-pits. Are the only people not spaying/neutering their dogs trashy aggressive dog owners, such that the gene pool of dogs available for adoption is deeply awash in pits and partial pits? Is this like idiocracy for dogs?
  13. Go & True Love Will Find You in the End were the first 2 songs my wife and I "danced" to at our wedding.
  14. It is known. I think she's doing that (old school cool IMO) option still available in CA whereby you basically intern for a few years, and then sit for the bar. Basically how everybody got law degrees until state Bars took over and regulated out of existence anything but expensive 3 year graduate education. You still gotta pass the bar exam, and the CA bar is not a cakewalk.
  15. Dude, you saved Central Florida! Now it will recurve out. You've prevented billions of dollars of damage.
  16. Shut 'Em Out Eagle Defense! Goldthwaite does look significantly nicer than a lot of small towns. It has that DQ, no fewer than 2 mexican places, the Exxon grill, and a couple other restaurants. You can even get a cup of coffee in the weird knickknack store. I subscribe to the paper. A couple of years ago it finally went wet, and you no longer have to drive to Priddy for beer. My ranch is 8 miles away in Mullin, but if I was really moving to the area I think I'd buy a home in Goldthwaite and keep my property. By the time my kids are graduating high school it may be moot and Mullin ISD may consolidate with Goldthwaite - I don't see how they can keep enough numbers. That would be sad for the town of Mullin, of course. But probably inevitable. No more arcade in the DQ, but it does have a star of fame for the kid who played the younger brother in the Blind Side. Oh, and the town finally accepted and celebrated Coach Jody Conradt as a native daughter.
  17. My retirement plan (age ~52 hopefully) is to be Monday through Thursday at my little ranch in Mills County, and then drive in to Austin for Thursday night through Sunday night. Technically I'm just outside Mullin, but realistically I only see the neighbors if they happen to be driving past the dirt road the same time I stop and open the gate. By then I'll trade my suburban house for a townhome or condo that is less maintenance. That way I get a few days of city dining, movies, music, UT sports, etc before having some down time puttering at the ranch. I super hate mowing my lawn, but I'll gladly cut cedar and spray mesquite all day. I'm not sure if my wife will join me - she's a workaholic and finds the idea of taking retirement asap odd (I'm at the state, she's a teacher). I have this dream of buying a used backhoe and dump trailer and digging a giant hole, and making an equally giant hill from the spoils. Future people will see my hole/pond and be like "damn, some weird dude decided dig a giant fucking hole in the ground."
  18. You can buy box tops on ebay. I know that is crazy, but hear me out. You pay a little premium, but its probably a better payback than cub scout popcorn, girl scout cookies, or band candy bars. Your kid's class gets the popcorn party. If you buy them outside the two big turn-in seasons, the premium is way lower. The prices have jumped up. I have quit my job and make six figs solely on box top arbitrage. Buy in June, sell in September, easy money. (okay, some of this is a lie)
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