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Everything posted by fattyflattie

  1. Now, now; I wasn't the one being ugly. But in all honestly, a few years ago I realized that I'm not materially affected by either political party. I imagine it sucks to be dependent on the whims of the voting public.
  2. Listen, the parties are going to go back and forth, it’s just how it works. But the next time the Rs win, all I really want is one simple thing. I want you to remember that I cancelled your vote, and it was for a seasonal hobby and a bit of folding money. Enough to hit New Orleans for a long weekend or something.
  3. Lol wut. Of course he was, and it wasn’t particularly close. I’ve never contested that this country isn’t full of fucking idiots who like free shit.
  4. Lulz, fuck me indeed. I don’t find gun violence ok at all, where did I minimize that? The vast majority of firearm owners are law abiding, no matter what TikTok tells you. “Less fortunate”, I don’t even have the fucking time to be bummed out with that shit right now. Won’t find me there, but yeah. Elbows to assholes full of hypocrites.
  5. I literally gave you the boundaries. You chose not to read it? Lulz. Guns rawr. I care tremendously more about taxes and the wanton waste on social programs than shooting some pigeons made of clay.
  6. This is a pretty simple. Hell it’s been the topic dejour on the news for the last few weeks. Lol. Yeah. Big tit gingers are just turrible.
  7. One thing I've never understood about this board, and I surely don't expect you guys to know my feelings on everything. Hell, I rarely even post on CR. But I don't like any of the true believer MAGA shit. I just disagree with almost everything left of center. I don't care if there is never another person right of Bush 2 in power again, so long as there's never anyone left of Clinton. I truly wouldn't gaf if people on either sides of that range Thanos'd tomorrow. I wouldn't even give it 30 seconds thought.
  8. Are you talking about me or officer Hernandez? lol.
  9. Never trust whitey, and the only thing lower than a snakes asshole is a Democrat? A full blown epidemic. I hope all the librarians being forced out of work make out ok.
  10. You'll have to show me some actual, you know, book burning. I'll tell you like I did my kids when they were young, just saying shit doesn't mean it's actually - true.
  11. I know. ALL the shit half the country gets to put up with over guns and taxes. Maybe next time the SC will pack the other way. Womp.
  12. My wife is redheaded, and semi rude. She is not Sara Rue rude.
  13. We got ours for less than a few hundred bucks iirc. We use it semi-often for TV etc. I wouldn't care too much if I didn't have it, and definitely wouldn't pay 1k for it.
  14. Literally? Oh no, what have we done?!? For real though, the kids who's parents value education going to make out well. Talk about a head start.
  15. Eh, our society is getting dumber no doubt, literally by the day. I abstained last election. But its clear elections (from schoolboard local to the tippy top) are becoming increasingly important. Not sure I can in good faith do that again.
  16. I could live with a few things from that timeline. More rude redheads and gladiator prisoner fights would be cool.
  17. Can’t believe all the UT law guys on this site and no one knows him from school.
  18. I don’t think his hate is fake, his good ol boy shit certainly is. He’s got an Indian wife/beard, and black kids so rather confusing on his race issues he suffocates in.
  19. I believe he’s broadcast in a dozen or so southern markets, iirc. Eta: or he has used his lawyer tongue to give that impression anyhow. I’ve heard him speak about stations in LA and GA for sure.
  20. Damn. My family goes thru an ignorant amount of laundry, and dishes for that matter.
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