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Everything posted by fattyflattie

  1. Mac, been rooting for you for awhile. I’m still certain something is going to fall your way shortly. Hope you’re mental is holding up.
  2. Pringle seems to get hammered every fucking time. You’d think they’d mosey out to the pass and avoid the Wx but nope.
  3. I should have separated my final thought with a single sentence paragraph? The fuck are you so hung up on?
  4. The mileage gain has been huge. I hadn’t had a single problem with the DPF for nearly 300k miles. Never had to force regen, nothing. But when it did, it wasn’t even a consideration due to the cost delta. More mpg, power, and 1/3 the cost? Yes please. I doubt the knob ever comes off stock or 30, just the way I drive; main consideration is reliability and second economy I guess.
  5. Just checking in to say I should have deleted and tuned a decade ago. My god what a different feeling truck. Before the climate thread group gets their feelings hurt, napkin math on the fuel delta seems to be about 4600 extra gallons I’ve burned with that POS system. Haven’t run on the 90 or 120 tune yet. But the others…what a wake up.
  6. Damnit. Probably my favorite car of all time. Not color, tho.
  7. I would love for this to be true. But, there’s at least an equal chance that Lucci just loves to fluff every single ag on the team. I believe you may be actually giving him too much credit to hide those eggs throughout the article. Seems easier just to write a players name, say they are NFL ready, then move on to the next.
  8. I don’t see how you are tying that sentence together, so maybe it’s a grammatical issue. Personally, we are changing plans.
  9. I think post #2389 borked it. It also won’t let me quote anyone. @gmr548 for the last several years we’ve been looking for a second home, which for me was always going to be Rockport. Harvey pretty much fucked that plan up ($$$$$) for a bit, but new plans were made and everything has been coming together nicely. Wife has now decided she loves the cold more than she’s ever let on. Then the kids fell in love with skiing. Then blastfurnace has been intensifying. Now a load of her friends are starting to travel north every summer and winter, and neighbor bought 30 acres of beautiful land, and are there several times a year. So, wife’s wants have changed. Not sure where it’ll go from here but looking a lot less like KA and more mountainy.
  10. bruh, he's not going to face any accountability with this deal. He appears to feel bad about it, appears to be an accident, it's done.
  11. Haven’t paid that close attention to their class, but top 5 OL class this year? Or more looch speak?
  12. I only find it funny because Obama's roast of Trump. Other than that, meh. She's likely more conservative that most of what we've been getting out of the D's lately.
  13. @crimsonlonghorn good to see you posting. Was thinking not long ago that it had been a long time since I had seen you on the boards. Hope all has been well.
  14. Don’t know why I can’t quote @elfenix. The wife can be adventurous, but not that much. But she has always hated the heat, and now it’s just getting worse and worse. Her idea of retirement was was always a cooler climate, unlike mine. Happy wife, happy something or other.
  15. May not have worked, but has been working magic for me with my newfound butterfingers. Then again, I'm always working on a truck/SUV with decent room to get your hands in and about. I still use my magnet stick or the grabber if I can see it and it's in a tight spot.
  16. I’ve been dropping bolts like crazy over last few weeks (diesel thread for full list of work) on the dozen or so parts I’ve freshened up lately. Saw a YouTube short trick the other day. Put a few magnets in the fingers of a nitrile glove, put glove on, find bolts easily. In my experience it’s been way better success ratio that using the stick (blindly)
  17. Also, big proponent of adding the soft starts to your AC's. Mine sounded like they were on their last legs a couple of years ago, so threw them on as a bandaid to help them along. Been going nice and easy since then. Then again, don't know if they've turned off since May.
  18. Not just local. You'd be surprised (or not) how many big boats slow roll the ICW in front of launches just wreaking havoc. These aren't tin can boats that anyone can afford, these are the types you should fucking know better and I cant imagine how you can captain such a large vessel and not know better. I'm talking hitting just the right speed, making the absolute worst wake possible. Infuriating.
  19. Don’t worry, I wouldn’t be taking your vote or anything. Plans have changed and we’re looking for a place for summers and winters instead of windblown oaks and coastal sunsets. Still too many ties to Texas to leave full time. But to your point, there’s at least 2 other couples on my street/wives wine group exploring it (in fairness one grew up with second ski home there) and my neighbor just bought a place last year. This blastfurnace really makes you think the cooler places won’t get any cheaper going forward. So we’ll see how it goes.
  20. fattyflattie


    Cannot be overstated enough. I would have to think the pool of people looking for a 4x2 buggy would be very limited.
  21. Well, I had you pinned for much older. Maybe it’s something other than your unfounded self righteousness and whining that made me think boomer, who knows? You understand I’ve not been without at least one since I was 15? The boat meme you think is funny is about my end goal of owning a very large, very expensive, very fuel inefficient one. The joke is so very funny though. I know, how about one about guns? Ha. Ha. Ha. The predictable part is your immediate jump to personal attacks; there is no need for that. The heat sucks this year, I get it. I’ve been working my entire life to have a place on the coast, and now that it’s time, it’s all stop and now looking more and more like Colorado. Pretty fucking disheartening. But, as long as we are leading the world in restrictions, who cares!!1!1.
  22. Hah. One of us is a boomer that burned leaded gas for decades without a care in the world. I could probably not inflict as much damage as you have if I tried. But you got yours, and now it’s time for change. Selfish asshole indeed.
  23. You’re surprised people don’t want to have things forced on them for the “greater good”? When 75% of the rest of the planet can’t muster 1 solitary fuck?
  24. Not really, it's one of the staples. "You want me to get rid of my truck/way of life for a electric shitbox when they can freely burn tires and mine and generally rape the planet over in shitholestan?" has been said as long as I can remember.
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