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Everything posted by austingirl

  1. Is the lack of wind an issue because wind cools everything down? Or some other reason?
  2. My son was woken up buy a couple of loud pops immediately before the fire started, and a few other neighbors heard it too. The house had a nice outdoor kitchen, and the current thinking (according to the owners) is that there was a leak in the gas line that led to the outdoor cooking range, which caught fire and caused the explosion that kicked everything off.
  3. Our neighbors lost their house and pets in a fire the night before last. We're in north Austin near the Domain. Everyone on the street was standing out there around 2:30 am watching the fire department do its thing and I remember thinking it was really a goddamn miracle that AFD managed to get the fire out before it spread. The houses on our street back to a greenbelt, which of course was already terribly dry, and the fire started on their backyard deck. Awful.
  4. It's called a hat. Well, I'll have to take your word for it.
  5. He'll always be Mississippi to me.
  6. I feel like the show (and commentary in general) has really glossed over (not sure if we are still spoilering but doing it just in case)
  7. Looks like the pilot did cut the line and they are investigating it as a crime. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/mother-killed-kids-injured-after-parasail-line-cut-by-boats-captain_n_6298ebcde4b07aa938976b59?d_id=3758469&ref=bffbhuffpost&ncid_tag=fcbklnkushpmg00000063&utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Facebook&utm_campaign=us_main&fbclid=IwAR27-CKWDZ2eRyaYPjKRbokGxQpKngoXkW5ABsxHnc5iLPCbbQUMUbvcAlI
  8. This article looks like it's saying two different things, too. At first it says: "Snapped" makes it sound like an equipment failure. Then towards the bottom: "Cut" makes it sound deliberate. So which was it? I'm guessing the answer is that it snapped because it was cut. All this just confirms my decision to sit at the tiki bar and drink instead of going parasailing with the family when we're at the beach.
  9. I'm sorry, I'm stuck on the fact that they cut the line. Am I missing some other definition of "cut the line", or is the actual procedure to send your parasailing clients to a horrible death when the winds get too strong? Or was the fact that they died after having the line cut an unusual occurrence?
  10. I've actually really liked the longer episodes. The editing could be tighter, but they at least seem to be answering questions as they introduce new ones, and it doesn't feel rushed. A few thoughts:
  11. Took me a few minutes to realize that that post wasn't a joke. It really is crazy how far the Abbotts and Patricks and Cruzes and their ilk will bend over backwards to claim that mass shootings have nothing to do with gun control, and refuse out-of-hand to even have a real conversation about it with anyone who disagrees with their policies. If I have a pond, and my fish keep dying, at some point I have to stop trying to treat individual fish and acknowledge that there's something in the water.
  12. Basically the same trajectory as the Harry Potter cast.
  13. And we are to believe that that smokeshow is in middle school. Maybe we're up to 9th grade, but still.
  14. How am I the first one to post this? More pics of the entire cast at the premiere here.
  15. I mentioned this on Shaggy back in the day, but my best friend's daughter died of SIDS in 2009, at 7 weeks old. She was at work and her husband found the baby when he went to see why her nap was longer than usual. To this day my friend (J) will say that she thinks she gave the baby mono, which J was diagnosed with shortly after the baby died, even though they couldn't find anything wrong during the autopsy. It was obvious to everyone that she just needed something concrete to blame, and it was easier to blame herself than anyone else. She and her husband didn't want to get pregnant again, and several years later they adopted a child to accompany their older daughter, who was 2 when the baby died. Anyway, maybe this news will help ease her mind, as much as anyone's mind could be eased in this situation.
  16. Were I a high school senior today, I don't know that I would choose or eliminate a college specifically because of access to abortion, but I would certainly correlate that access to the general attitude toward women in that state, and wonder how seriously I'd be taken if I were to be assaulted, especially if that assault resulted in a pregnancy. It would be a hard enough situation without being in a state where, for example, there are legislators who think women who have abortions should be charged with assault or homicide, which could lead to the death penalty. And those are all considerations I would've thought about before we got to where we are now, with Roe about to be overturned. It's bad enough to worry about being attacked; it's a whole other level of awful to think of what the aftermath could be like in a state where I couldn't make medical decisions about my own body.
  17. Y'all realize that women are raped when someone decides to rape them, and it has nothing to do with "being good", right?
  18. I graduated in 1999 - Dustin Long was a year behind me in school, so this was my freshman year at UT. Me and the guy I was dating at the time met my parents at Kyle Field for the semifinal that year. It was so exciting. PNG had gradually gotten better in their division since I'd been there, and even though they lost to Stephenville that year in the final, it was a great game.
  19. Ah, right - so I didn't make it up. And I do remember that gator story now that you mention it.
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