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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by mchookem

  1. i really fucking hate this 💔
  2. we had two small areas after we installed our pool that were troublesome, bc of too much shade, no grass would grow, would get muddy, etc. we also had dogs, mostly big, sometimes two at once... turf was a great alternative. poop picked up easily and yeah, we'd just hose it down, usually once a week. dogs tended to go in the same spot regardless lol. I don't know about how hot it gets, but for our purposes around a pool it was a great option, no regrets.
  3. so is Emma>Yorgos is gonna be like Leo/Deniro>Scorsese. or rather...Depp>Burton is closer lol.
  4. totally get this...but still me driving with Z-Ro and Gary Clark Jr. blasting...
  5. mchookem


    i got a big girl crush on her. i don't even swing that way.
  6. wtf y'all quit being nice and apologizing, dammit...you're ruining our reputation!
  7. sociopath, not psychopath. he has a murder dildo fetish and total disregard for other people, but he isn't violent and hasn't actually killed anyone. that we know of. yet. 😐
  8. well. at least you don't pretend to be a Christian!* 👍 * i don't actually know if you do, but fake 'caring' about others is a prerequisite for that club, and since you can't even muster that im going to assume no. so you've got that going for you, which is nice. 🙄
  9. so, like, 'everyone' has access to home ownership and college and sufficient healthcare?? huh. someone should let millennials and genz know bc they seem pretty gotdamn pissed at the state of things rn. 🤔
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