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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by mchookem

  1. this thread is as good as any to put this... we are on the way to Vegas/California from Denver and today drove west across CO and Utah on i70 with my driving stint starting after lunch in Grand Junction. driving across CO was a piece of cake, our first time on the western slope, very scenic, but... HOLY SHIT i was COMPLETELY unprepared for the Utah leg of the drive.😲 i mean...just holy holy holy shit. Utah has officially taken my breath away. literally, and multiple times. for the first time EVER in my entire life i had an anxiety/vertigo/panic attack, a stretch of what felt like 80 miles or so, starting just west of Green River...i came thisclose to having to pull over. speed limit is 80(!) and i slowed down at one point to <60. an absolutely surreal landscape on all sides as far as the eye could see...at one point it felt like we were surrounded by deep giant canyons on all sides and i swear to god i was fighting not to drive right off the side!! i had to focus on my breathing and attach my eyes to the trailer hitch of the vehicle in front of us and just could not even glance offroad...but my eyes felt like they were being pulled to the horizon! i felt like i was literally going to just yank the wheel off the interstate, and that feeling in turn caused near panic...this was that long stretch where there is nothing...like all the signs say 'seriously - there is nothing for the next 100 miles'. nothing but my god the landscape. 😲 i mean seriously, i have driven over huge bridges, the Makinac and Golden Gate, been through RMNP countless times as both driver and rider, to the top of Mt. Evans, Sandia Peak, have ridden in a car AND a bike down Haleakala...i have NEVER felt like i felt today! incredible. 😳 i have never seen such jaw-dropping scenery...and we just barely drove by/skirted the NPs! i love the Rocky Mountains and Colorado is so beautiful...but Utah blew it away today. i have seen so many pictures, i follow several National Park accounts...but nothing prepared me for what i saw today. just wow wow wow. i cannot wait to actually visit some of the parks. i see you, Utah! πŸ‘€
  2. holy shit. that was absolutely incredible tv. at one point my heart rate was 112! man...Roman broke my heart! worried his dad was on the phone, that the last thing he heard was Roman asking if he was being a cunt. practically begging for comfort from Gerri, but she justifiably wouldn't give it. Shiv really doesn't like her mom lol. just wow.
  3. i'm enjoying it, but def different. like there's no real 'action'.
  4. ... also a really good way to have people killed 😐
  5. i had an epiphany a couple of weeks ago after watching 'Waco', realizing that cults always involve people sacrificing their children, and that is what we have in this country, a cult of gun fetishists, so of course sacrificing some kids (and others of course) is acceptable. a guest on Real Time last week also explained it that^ way...i.e. we have to put up with nazis and others espousing their views bc of the first amendment, thus we also have to put up with a few (dozen) kids and bystanders getting their faces blown off every week or so bc of the second amendment. i mean it all makes sense when you think of it like that, right?
  6. posrep for actually replying and, like, 1/5 of your post lol
  7. how petty πŸ™„ Hegar continues to disappoint as he lurches to the right. i sincerely regret my 2018 vote πŸ˜’
  8. that dude's Trump is really incredible πŸ˜†
  9. wtf is he even talking about, 'rogue DAs'?? it's not like the DA just declared the dude guilty...it was, you know, A JURY OF HIS PEERS. i mean it doesn't even partially make sense!
  10. omg i fucking love that song! haven't heard it in probably 15 years 🀘
  11. jfc there is no bottom in this fucking state
  12. mchookem


    no doubt Macklemore has this set in every color πŸ˜„
  13. thoughts and prayers and crap
  14. so i have now also seen/heard 'disturbing allegations' re: Mr. Slaton through a completely non-surly connected source, not the above tweeter...friend of a friend of a friend who works at the lege. the 'r' word was tossed out (rape, not rumor. well, also still rumor...a rape rumor!) might get interesting, we shall see. i'm sure we'll all be completely shocked! πŸ™„πŸ€¨ #notshockedatall
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