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Everything posted by hayden_horn

  1. class was.... .... .... ... .... .... NOT added.
  2. man did i love to make fun of his writing especially during the mack years. but he was a good one. RIP good sir.
  3. what's interesting about fishes was how normal that all seemed to me. my wife had to pause it three or four times to catch her breath. and i realized, fuck, if that shit is normalized to me, then what kind of fucked up trauma am i dealing with?
  4. the most concerning number there is the 74.2 million. the fuck are 11.2 million MORE people voting for trump after his disaster of a term? i get a ferw more here and there and covid was a major complicating factor that made people a little bit woowoo about shit, but that rings alarm bells for me. maybe they are the ones doing the voter fraud.
  5. this is why you never never never never shake a baby. oh shit wait
  6. i think what happened is that dude was writing his memoir or whatever, got to the part about the movie, and his ghost writer or whoever was all "so, what'd you get out of that windfall?" and oher was all "not really, anything, now that i think about it. that's kind of fucked up, given the amount of attention that movie got me" and so he started looking into it and started feeling robbed when he started putting the pieces together. the parents didn't do it for the money, though. they did it for the access. they are like demigods as boosters at ole miss now, i bet. you cannot put a price on that. i'm willing to bet they took the money like my parents took my $5k CD (dating myself) when i was a kid. they never viewed at as stealing because it was them that got me that money or whatever. bot no one talked to me about it. i was later lamely told (and accepted) that was the cost of mom's hand me down car. $7k in a bank or wheels right now? math is easy for a teenager, and the parents talk themselves into it because they've given more in value than the perceived $$$ at play. ie, if they weren't so generous with their time by picking up the kid from the dumpster or whatever, he wouldn't have an nfl career, so this is a drop in the bucket, right? so i'm not willing to burn the parents at the stake here. like anything else, it was people not talking to each other. how could the conservatorship still be in play? sag residuals? fuck if i know. i know the parents did him wrong on this deal, but he's also got new people in his ear talking to him about how they ripped him off.
  7. i mean, we all really know it when we think about it, but it's alarming that draft anythings can be used against anyone. i draft many posts in this here computer machine that i deem too nasty or whatever to actually hit "submit." thought is not a crime. thinking a thing is not a crime. drafting a thing (and not sending it) is along the lines of thinking a thing, imo. edit: please note i'm not talking about submitting a thing and later deleting it after people have seen it. that's called "regret" and it's a different thing altogether.
  8. i cannot imagine the strategy behind it. but it does have precedent: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mafia_Commission_Trial who prosecuted that trial? a fucking named defendant in this trial. this fucking simulation.
  9. i don't remember any background checks, and, like i said, i have a small background, so if that would've been an issue, i wouldn't have made it as far. but i think that 7 months must also take into account the admin leadup? the compilation of the questions, the digestion and preparation for voir dire of the questions coming in, etc. i can't imagine it taking 7 months, but then again, if you have 19 different counsels trying to procedure the fuck out of things to delay and clusterfuck up the joint, it could take awhile. for the travis county jury i was actually on, we spent less than half our time on the jury actually in the courtroom. the rest of the time they were hashing out this or that legal matter while we waited in the jury room. and while our case was kind of complicated, and i won't bore everyone with the pretty gross details, in the end it was fairly straightforward from an evidence perspective and a documentation perspective. but i don't really know the answer, except that it's donald, so it's going to be a fucking circus no matter what.
  10. i don't really know i was just sharing my experience in relatively minor local cases. i will say that in both cases, i felt "special" when i did the online registration and when i showed up. i've showed up to jury duty several other times, and it's always been wait around in the court lobby for two hours, then everyone go home, the whole thing is off. both these times, i got special emails and the questions in the real mail. i don't think that they struck any jurors before we showed up. but there were definitely follow up questions to the questions. now maybe they had each struck certain people directly, but they are also subject to who actually shows up, right? i know we were nearly 200 deep for that federal case, which was extraordinary, i was told, and that took extra long for selection, and that trial took a long time, so it's the only real-life experience comparison i could make. but if there were multiple defendants in a case with substantially more complexity, i could see it going for quite a long time in the selection process.
  11. well, i don't know shit, but i was once voir dired for a federal case here as a jury member. i've also been voir dired (and chosen) as a travis county juror. i've also stood in travis county court as a defendant more than one time and once spent a night in the building as a guest. i've also testified as a witness in a murder trial. so those are my non-lawdog bona fides, ymmv. the federal case was a humdinger - it was the relatively open and shut case of the guy who shot judge kocurek. nevertheless, i had to fill out something like a 30 page questionnaire before even showing up for jury duty. there must have been some 150+ of us in the pool. and most of us faced some form of question from either the defense or the prosecution. it took pretty much three whole days. this was for one defendent, in a fairly complicated case, because the shooting was really only a minor part of a larger racketeering thing. i was not selected for the jury, in part, because my voir dire had to do with my being a witness in a murder trial, and whether i would just rather "not go through that again" or whatever. pretty sure that was disqualifying for me in that one. anyways, as i recall, that trial took months. they found him guilty, but not of attempted murder - it was all the racketeering, which was also a big part of our questionnaire (have you ever had your identity stolen, etc). the county case was also a humdinger - super aggravated sexual assault of a minor. prior to showing up, i also received a lengthy (probably 10 page) questionnaire. the jury pool was pretty big, i'm told, and there was maybe 100 of us? jury selection took all day, and at the end of that day i was selected as a juror. we found the guy guilty, and he's gone away for awhile. this trial took us four days. both of those trials were kind of big local prosecutions, so i imagine my experience was vastly different from most jurors. we had a talk about how to handle journalists in both cases if contacted. neither obviously involved the former president of the united states of america and his many lawyers who also are accused of breaking the law. i can't imagine how long it would take for jury selection in such a trial - the number of questions asked pre-selection, and the follow ups necessary during selection, for 19 different defendants? impossible. this isn't a mafia trial of some mob bosses in a huge racket. or is it? i don't really know.
  12. what's incredible to me still is how disinterested desantis is in winning this election. it's texas democratic governor candidate bad.
  13. people have always been mean. been meaner than now. and we are gonna get meaner before we get more civil. main reason is that good old fashioned god fearing white folks are running out of acceptable boogeymen upon whom to project all their anger about their own insecurities. this is having the double result of 1) that formerly directed anger spilling over and hitting friendlies amd 2) that anger has metastasized as it has lost its original scapegoat direction and cathartic release
  14. them kids born? yeah? fuck them kids.
  15. just read my editorial link above. It's not political to say these people have very political seeming motivations. honestly i don't know how to separate that from the discussion
  16. edit: jesus christ i remember that being much, much funnier
  17. uncle jack also smoked unfiltered camels like everyone up there. they fucking smoke in the denny's up there. it's a depressing slice of americana.
  18. https://kerrcountylead.com/editorial-a-vile-smear-on-kerrvilles-history-beauty-in-destruction-of-founders-tree/ lo fucking l
  19. ok, jokes aside, this is fucking tragic. how on earth could this have happened? the fucking founder's tree in kerrville? how is that not somehow a protected tree?
  20. to be fair, that guy on the right has actually worked very hard to reach level 48 wizard necromancer, so, you know, uh, just, um, steer clear of him at dinner parties?
  21. yeah, but the shift has happened up in those parts. all my old reliable democratic union family members have gone full maga. mostly because the coal mining is dead, all the frac jobs have been taken by transient texans by way of north dakota and aren't going to the local union. everything up there is fucking broken, rusty and gross. it really is the rust belt, and most people are on some kind of public benefits. the world has passed them by and they are pissed, so they've gone maga. instead of being a man of principles, manchin has chosen to sow the maga wind. good luck with that i guess.
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