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Everything posted by hayden_horn

  1. I'm just going by my own lyin eyes bro. maralago is also there. florida man is there. can't say gay there and if you go woke you go broke YOU FUCKING CUCKS
  2. bought and paid for shameful
  3. jesus christ is anyone more a beating than westlake people?
  4. i also think it's unfortunate that with the police presence we have downtown, and i'm just talking apd and no other agencies, we cannot control our own downtown streets. there's no excuse for it. you can talk personnel shortage all you want, downtown hasn't been policed since...ever. you can sense when the street is getting edgy. so can the cops. then why not intervene before the fight or take intervention steps to prevent a fight, by, oh, being fucking present? the central police station is blocks away from this area. it's RIGHTNEXTDOOR to the arch. and yet, that's been an open air prositution and drug market for nearly a decade now. also, uh, guys, policing doesn't always have to mean "arresting." you can prevent crime, too, you know.
  5. to this day, leaving an always-too-cold public place and stepping out into the shattering heat is my fucking jam. so much so, i just walked to the mailboxes because just typing about it got me excited haha
  6. it's this sort of thing that's so off-putting. like, they want to fight you because you are for child trafficking. they feel like they have to be all up in everyone's face about it. meanwhile, people are fucking dying to get here. But whatever.
  7. there should be some mechanism that everyone can agree on where a member of their own party needs to be replaced. the opposing party shouldn't really have a say, i guess, but i don't have a clear answer. all i know is that keeping someone around to their own detriment and to the detriment of the government is counterproductive. it's sad, it really is. my mom doesn't remember my children's names. i know how hard this is for people. you know what though? my ma is just an old woman living in east texas, she's not voting on the fucking budget of a fucking country. this isn't working. even if the change won't work, we need to figure it out tout fucking suite. our government is outrageously old and full of boomers losing their minds.
  8. also, i know it's fashionable to hate the heat, and it is fucking hot, this summer, but i grew up here and worked summers outside in my youth. i'm a weirdo, but i love the heat. i go outside the ac several times a day into the blast furnace just to feel that heat. i mow my lawn at like 3pm. i'm a fucking psycho, and that's okay. i love this fucking place. but the people are really making it difficult, between the new people moving here and the fact the we are run by rural hayseeds with backwards ass thinking.
  9. teachers and education professionals are next. the only tethers keeping us here are friends and family. but man, it's getting harder and harder to want to stay here when the environment is so anti-worker, anti-education, anti-health, anti-everything. fucking hell.
  10. this man is a very distressed individual who really would rather not be where he is, that's my impression of that right there, based on my own anecdotal weirdness when i don't want to be somewhere.
  11. guy with the chair has a felony level problem but goddam everything about that video made my day
  12. there's something more sinister at hand here. i'm not sure what the long play is. i can grant a trickle down economics mistake in policy, even if the idea came from a selfish bad place. fool me once, shame on you but we're 40 years into this failure. it's safe to say that we see the short term effects for the shit they are. the promised medium and long term effects can no longer be promised. it's fucking played out, but people still buy into it. fool me twice, can't get fooled again, and again, and again, and again goddammit. how are we still fucking haunted by the 80s forty fucking years later? an entire decade of excess, built upon the success of being the only functional manufacturing power amidst a ruined world economy. everything in the 80s was a short term flash in the fucking pan. no real long term thinking, just short term (appearance of) success is all that matters. what's that you say? our current policy of dumping toxic waste into drinking waterways will have terrible long term effects? how long term we talking? oh, a century or so? i'll be dead, and i'm sure they'll have figured all that shit out by then. how are next quarter's revenue figures looking? that's what really matters! nothing from the 80s lasted because it was all built to be short term bullshit. well, the bill is finally coming fucking due. and yet we still have these fucking pyramid scheme middle men out there trying to promise the rubes that if they sell just a few more widgets, this will be the year we can finally hit 100% bonus and get that 5% payrise instead of these annual 2% "merit" increases. what the middle men don't realize is that they are also the fucking rubes. we're all rubes. the profits are never shared. full disclosure: this post written while listening to some dead kennedys inspiration.
  13. i think that's the end result for all of it after some "uncovered ground" legal chicanery designed to protect the elite. kind of like napoleon on elba. <checks notes> oh wait no
  14. it's kind of endearing watching mike pence become a grown up in real time. like a giraffe those first steps are timid but you gotta get up and walk sometime or the herd will leave you to the magaheads.
  15. well that sucked but at least no more middle of the nighters. that was not a team, it was a collection of players. like we were playing a video game. ugh. so uninspired. the olds hate the youngs and i don't think there's much admiration running the other way.
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