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Everything posted by Buffsoldier

  1. That's a shitacular haiku.
  2. Serious question, does this occur at the Masters as well? I haven't watched in the last 3-4 years, but it seems like Augusta National is the one place that wouldn't tolerate that asshattery.
  3. About a year ago, I was on a flight where a family came on with a 1-2 month old. After they got they stuff stowed, the dad handed out about 30 bags full of candy, hershey's kisses, bite-size milky ways, etc. and each bag had a note in it explaining that it was the kid's first flight, asking that we please be patient, apologizing in advance if there was any crying and so on. Probably cost Mom-n-Dad about $25-$30 and a little time to put it all together. But the goodwill exhibited by doing so paid off in spades. Yep, the kid did cry, for about 5 minutes on takeoff and another 5 on landing, but nobody in legit earshot seemed to mind a bit. Just food for thought.
  4. I used to be damn selective about where and when I shit. I've now been to Iraq twice and Afghanistan once. I will now shit anywhere, at any time without a second thought. And often without a first thought.
  5. O/U as to how many pieces douchecyclyist's collar bone is in? I'm saying 3.
  6. Would you rather they cut the cheese?
  7. ...and he's already sick of your shit.
  8. Opening act on tour: The Meketrex Supplicants First hit single: Yes, have some
  9. Seize This Honkus and the Flapping Laser Labias. Random thoughts that coalesced into a band name with my friends. We've even got a Facebook page.
  10. So I recognize all but the motorcycle. Is it the one from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade?
  11. He feels and interprets the bumps on Walts asshole?
  12. Agreed. Cold breakfast tacos still equals breakfast tacos. Not sure how this makes anybody surly. Actually, I kinda get this. It's not the free food that's surlish. It's the execs acting like posers and trying to be the "cool parents being friends with their kids" that's bothersome.
  13. That is awesome on so damn many levels....
  14. Seriously, that looks like bad jerky strips.
  15. Wow. That's literally the type of statement where one person then has to pack their bags and leave the house. Permanently.
  16. Here is the precise moment where you fucked up.
  17. "Gonna make like a hippie and roll this joint."
  18. "Woke up in the mornin' and took a whole bottle of dumbass pills." "Harder than woodpecker lips." "Looks like a can of smashed assholes."
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