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Everything posted by Buffsoldier

  1. Boomstick and the Primitive Screwheads
  2. I can vouch. With her, all you do is screw, nut and bolt....
  3. Good. Necco wafer were the North Korea of candy.
  4. I was gonna go with MC Nickleback.
  5. Worst and most vivid one I had was where an ex-girlfriend shot me in the throat with a shotgun. I could remember, and FEEL, spinning around and falling chest down. I remember seeing the ex sitting on the floor in front of me, white as a sheet from fright and spattered heavily with my blood. I remember trying to raise my head, but being unable to, because all the muscles were blasted away. I remember trying to say something, but only wet gurgling noises coming out. I remember dying, with everything fading to black, and then fading to something I can only describe as "beyond black", like a dark grayish mist. After God knows how much time, could've been between 2-3 seconds up to 30 seconds, I woke up, screaming and drenched in sweat so bad you'd have thought I just got out of the shower. I remember actually feeling, a tactile feeling, every little thing that happened. The coldness of the granite floor, the slight wet warmth of my blood, even the pain of the shotgun blast, which was like a very painful stinging and ripping feeling. Every little detail was so sharp and vivid. That dream scared the hell out of me so badly I couldn't sleep for the next 3 nights. On the fourth night I only got 2 hours.
  6. The Rough Ghetto Strippers would be a fantastic band name.
  7. Hauling your mom's dildo, no doubt.
  8. Hollywood said, "WHERE'D WHOOOO GOOOOOOOOOOO?"
  9. Hear hear! Pics of ass sluts are always warranted. Especially if they're hot.
  10. One Eyed Willie and the Never Say Dies
  11. I think you should try this Canadian one I've heard of called "Caillou".
  12. Gads. I could go for a fried spam sandwich right now. Light dollop of mustard and some fresh lettuce... So crisp, so tasty.
  13. If someone hasn't started a GoFundMe page to address this, then it needs to happen now. I'll be damned if this fine gentleman runs out of whiskey and cigars on my watch.
  14. It brings on many changes I can take or leave it if I please
  15. Sunday night I was watching Tangled on the Disney Channel with my daughter. An Amber Alert came up on my phone. My daughter (age 7) asked what it was, and I told her as best I could what it was and what it meant. She, quite understandably, got scared because she thought that maybe there was someone out there that was going to try and take her too. She went so far as to ask if she could sleep in my bed that night because she didn't want anyone to take her from hers (probably a lot of playing Daddy's heartstrings there). After putting her to bed, I came back down and decided to finish the movie. At the part where Rapunzel was reunited with her parents, I saw the look on the King's (Dad's) face. I bawled like a baby for nearly 15 minutes.
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