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Everything posted by Buffsoldier

  1. Buffsoldier

    BIC lighters

    And she also can be used to open beer bottles.
  2. I think we all kinda grew up that way, where our old man would whup the shit out of us the next day, not because we were necessarily in trouble, but just to teach us a lesson. This is kinda where I was going with my question, how many parents will still do it. I have known too many parents that will let their little darlings just sleep it off because they were smart enough to call for a ride, or drink at home, or something like that. To me, that's only half of the equation. The most important half, to be sure, but still half.
  3. "Scroll ya phone for round 15-20 min."
  4. That's the most fucked-up way to announce that you're about to have an abortion I've ever seen.
  5. Serious question: For those that have underage kids that partake while still living at home/with parents, do you subscribe to the theory of "You go out with the boys, you get up with the men?" One of the more eye-opening (or at least one eye opening) experiences when I was young was having to drag ass out of bed at 6 a.m. on a Saturday whilst extremely hungover. Can't even remember what it was for, probably something simple like yard work. But the suck factor of the hangover was high enough that I really learned the value of moderation.
  6. No shit. Francisco isn't just a cradle robber, he's a Womb Raider.
  7. From the article: I have to wonder, did she reimburse her Maid of Honor the $5K and the Groom's family the $3K since the wedding was called off?
  8. Admittedly, I have a problem with this movie from the word go, because there's nothing in the Navy inventory in which you can do Mach 2 with your hair on fire.
  9. And Jennifer Connelly...
  10. The internet's helped me pull something a few times...
  11. Fucking this. Fortunately, it only happened once. Unfortunately it cost her $1200. "But why can't I get that money back, he didn't fix the computer?"
  12. She's obviously working on her plans on how to get rid of you. Head on a swivel brother....
  13. In typing out the Serbian Flight attendants full name, this is one of the initial results: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vesna_Vukelić_Vendi
  14. "Look, when I said you need to call a tow truck, what I meant was...."
  15. Really had a hankering for a Casio Men's Pro Trek PRW-2500T-7CR lately. My current cheap Casio is on the verge of dying (battery-wise). Think I'll wait 'til it kicks the bucket before I pull the trigger.
  16. I'm still giggling a little bit at the line when they were in the prison: "With this collar on, my superpower is just unbridled cancer. Give me a bow and arrow and I'm basically Hawkeye."
  17. One foot on the floor to keep the room from spinning. Smarter than your average bear.
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