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Everything posted by Buffsoldier

  1. First thing that came to my mind:
  2. At that point, favorite dolly, GI Joe, teddy bear, whatever, goes bye bye.
  3. You can have it. I'll take the 'W'.
  4. "Impossible doc. Someone else must have shot that lion..."
  5. I live in Brighton. PM me and we can start a dialogue. There's a lot of holes in your requirements that need to be filled in before I can make a recommendation.
  6. I dunno how many times I gotta say it, but it appears at least one more: "Hello. Yes, this is dawg."
  7. Wow. We've all heard of jorts. I guess now we've seen jilts.
  8. If you make a big enough stink about it (I see what I did there), they can be removed. https://qz.com/945163/you-can-get-kicked-off-a-flight-for-smelling-bad/
  9. Fuckin' millenials. Always so negative.
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