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Everything posted by Buffsoldier

  1. Are you an Asian Design major? If so I can understand your fiance's hesitancy.
  2. "Bitch, no one in your family runs."
  3. Good luck with that. Seriously. Let us know how that goes. Seriously.
  4. By itself, this was chuckle inducing. Adding it KH's response took this one to 11.
  5. "Yeah, we're gonna need a wrecker out here...." "Aren't you in a wrecker?" . . . "Shut the fuck up...."
  6. Participants Cleveland Indians and Texas Rangers baseball clubs, several thousand inebriated attendees Yeah, that's not really specific enough.....
  7. And he flew this. Which honestly cannot get any more awesome:
  8. "Cops keep old guys from Wacken" Was that so hard?
  9. Training on how to be a Kansas football fan...
  10. https://media.giphy.com/media/3orieQs2abuHTQq4eY/giphy.gif
  11. In Soviet Russia, landing sticks you!
  12. Couple weeks ago my 7 yr old farted, then belched loudly and exclaimed, "That's bonus points!"
  13. Buffsoldier

    Great Quotes

    A man will go places with a hardon where he wouldn't go with a machine gun. -unknown
  14. Buffsoldier

    Great Quotes

    "I drank what?" -Socrates
  15. So here's Starbucks new flavored paper straws. Can anyone tell me what's wrong with this picture?
  16. Having dealt with Turkish construction contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan, this surprises me about.....zero.
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