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Everything posted by Buffsoldier

  1. Would she give you this same courtesy? Answer honestly.
  2. It's not 'baboon'. The preferred nomenclature is Okie.
  3. Luc Besson. https://www.msn.com/en-us/entertainment/story/french-director-luc-besson-accused-of-drugging-raping-actress/ar-AAxwjW2
  4. Entirely on you, bubba. Seems to me like you should stick to laundry.
  5. Holy Jesus. I have no fewer than 30 people staring at me in the Pittsburgh airport because I'm howling with laughter at that. I'm dead. Literal tears.
  6. Every time, every-fucking-time, Chips O'Toole posts on this thread I have to steel myself for a moment before scrolling down.
  7. Hanging curve. Left field bleachers.
  8. I have a 56% chance of surviving if I'm riding on the wing? Fuck me, why didn't someone tell me this before???? I know where I'm sitting next time.
  9. That's a bad motherfucker all right. But best all time? I think Bodacious might have something to say about that. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bodacious_(bull)
  10. As amusing as that is, it would actually be funnier if Revenge of the Sith weren't playing in the background.
  11. Why is it always the black car drivers that park like assholes.....? Also, nice job blacking out the license plates....
  12. It wasn't a fluke, that's for sure.
  13. There's nothing you can do to or for that fellow. Everything about that vehicle says: A)He/she does not give a single solitary fuck about what you think. B)There isn't a single solitary thing you can do to that vehicle that will make it worse. and C)S/He knows that both you and s/he know it. This is simply a situation where you have to sit back and admire the chutzpah and lack of give-a-fuck-edness.
  14. More like the .410 wood.
  15. Though thought to have small portions of hydrogen sulfide, recent studies reveal the planet is completely clouded by the chemical, making Uranus smell like rotten eggs. https://www.accuweather.com/en/videos/scientists-confirm-uranus-smells-like-rotten-eggs/y5nhc0zje62dorleahhurgganpwvljc
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