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Everything posted by 4Pete

  1. Just checking in before my blood pressure sends me over the edge or the end of the game when we all declare the Sark experiment a bust and Herman 2.0.
  2. How fucked up is it that they and their super tight bestie freedom fighter idiot cult colleagues get to be the jurists in what will ultimately be the trial about their co=conspirators? This is another instance of fox guarding the henhouse and, yes, it makes total sense why Rupert operates his media conglomerate under that name, as well.
  3. We have known she's a dirtbag, but I never would have imagined she'd do that. Whatever happened, it's vile and debased, but I hope there is someone else /something less repulsive than a mother behind that maliciousness. You never want to think a mother, even one like that New Jersey bag of bones, is capable of something that criminal and disgusting. Honestly, kiddie porn is just another level. I know Q seems totally obsessed with it, but you wouldn't ever think KAC would be party to that level of he-who-smelt-it-dealt-it horribleness.
  4. Sarah Palin 2.0. Or maybe her BFF Or maybe her long lost daughter. Either way, she needs to GTFO.
  5. I started a letter to that shitbag yesterday, but I haven't decided if I am sending it email or real mail. Mostly it was about how he's a failed senator, but here's the two parts where I dropped in a few minor insults: You, sir, are no Texan. You have no honor, no integrity, and no business calling yourself a Texan or pretending to represent this state. You are a fancy-pants Canadian carpetbagger who dons mom-jeans and affects a Texas accent when you find it convenient. It's not cute. We know it's fake. It's an insult to this great state. blah blah blah, fired up the unwashed middle-aged idiots, caused the death of 5 Americans. Sided with a traitor. Blah blah before I really got mad: I'm a seventh generation Texan. My family has fought in wars and spilled blood for Texas. We've grown cotton and cane and cattle. We have been teachers and Texas Rangers and, yes, politicians. Over those seven generations, we've represented Texas and Texan values. Something you do not and will never have. You don't represent us. You don't even represent the millions of willfully ignorant Texans who are constantly duped by your cynicism, greed and hubris. You're all hat and no cattle and you're a lying, sniveling coward. Then I told him it was his fault and that he should go back to private life. Apologize to his kids. I concluded with: Read a book on Sam Rayburn or Sam Houston. Listen to Willie. Learn what it means to be a Texan. Maybe in all that free time you'll find your soul. IDK... do people mail letters anymore or is that frowned upon as threatening rather than mad-ass-hell-but-still-non-violent constituent.
  6. I was convinced that this was satire, just an act created by @blaireerskine, but this bitch is really out here living the West Texas stereotype IRL.
  7. As God as my witness, those fascist motherfuckers will not sully the reputation or legacy of "Gloria." Not on my watch.
  8. This is the most accurate description of that dickhead I have ever seen in print.
  9. He's not a Texan. He's a Canadian. It's time he went back to his mom-jeans wearing, Poutine eating, Molson drinking, Mountie loving roots and leave Texas to Texans. Also, that bitch has the most punchable face in DC.
  10. That is a proud alum from Texas A&M and Baylor University. Fuck that douche bag.
  11. Please take your frustration out on the PRIDE of the PINEY WOODS! Goddam I hate that bald motherfucking mouth-breather SO much.
  12. I read that in Julia Sugarbaker's voice. And I appreciated it!
  13. I may actually forgive some of the dickhead UGA fanbase for being smug assholes pre-Sugar and crybaby sore losers afterward in NOLA two years back. Pretty sure those Foghorn Leghorn-sounding fucks all voted for Perdue and Carpetbagger Barbie, though.
  14. The decision-making by a so-called genius is so bad that I have to wonder if he's trying to get fired.
  15. They need to subpoena her, send the law when she doesn't show, and allow Michael Rappaport to accompany them the whole way constantly giving less than flattering commentary about her.
  16. The thing is that someone should find each of those rubes and just make sure that they aren't procreating with anything or operating heavy machinery outside of the Brazos Valley.
  17. This just seemed like a no-brainer for Ohio and Texas to get called out on. Even some Abbott-loving olds were irritated at this one. At least be clever in your voter suppression.
  18. I love it when this is in the top 3. Makes a cruel year just feel familiar.
  19. I just keep hoping for a delayed season to start around 10/3. I realize that may be too optimistic at this point. Torn between cold, hard realism or keeping hope alive. Hope is a dangerous thing.
  20. It's never going to happen. Karma is dead. He's a GD cockroach, or maybe Voldemort. IDK, maybe a zombie. He's going to outlive us all. Sadly.
  21. It's hilarious seeing very educated people defend his blatant ignorance over and over again. It's disheartening that I used to call some of those people friends and colleagues. I guess this isn't the worst mistake he's made. It's just that we see evidence of his ignorance or diminished mental capacity day in and day out. If you don't laugh, you'll weep (for America).
  22. Just hearing his name makes me angry. He should be in jail, not in the Super Bowl.
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