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Snake Diggity

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Everything posted by Snake Diggity

  1. People overuse the word “crisis” but that’s exactly what our public education system is experiencing. Teachers have been underpaid for decades, but they dealt with it because of the fulfilling work, short days, solid pensions, and summer breaks. Then they started having administrative tasks piled onto them such that the days were no longer short, but teaching positions were still filled thru a combination of a bad economy and people who held a real passion for the work. Well, now the economy is good and teachers are having their passion for the work overwritten by unsupportive parents. The fact that getting shot in the face at work is a totally reasonable fear is only a straw on the camels back. My biggest fear is that the breaking point is going to come, and the solution is going to be similar to what healthcare has done with replacing docs with nurse practitioners. We are going to lower the credential requirements for teachers and lower the standards their performances are measured by. Because sadly most people really don’t care if all kids are receiving a quality education. All they really want is some place kids can go for free while their parents are at work. It’s a fucked up situation.
  2. Snake Diggity

    The Border

    We should be letting in anyone who is under 40 years old and is willing to get documented. We need the workers. It’s not desperate yet, but it will be. From Brownsville to San Diego, there should be well staffed, well funded immigration offices processing people to quickly safely get them documented and set up with work and housing. But also, and this will be less popular in this forum, the border patrol should be fully empowered to enforce the law. Anyone caught trying to cross the border illegally should be punished harshly. But of course that would only be justified if we made it much much easier to come over legally. I also think we need to try to work a deal to get Mexico to enforce their own southern border.
  3. Hensley can for sure play LF and would probably even be adequate in RF but he hasn’t played much OF in the minors. Abreu is badass.
  4. Preparing reactions based on senate race outcomes: GOP wins 53 or more (meaning they likely take GA, NV, PA, and AZ) : “It’s the end of the world. Literally.” GOP wins 51-52: “We. Are. Fucked. For at least 6 years but probably longer.” GOP wins 50: “They elected Herschel Fucking Walker. We aren’t fucked forever but obviously Trumpism/stupidity isn’t going anywhere.” Dems win 51: “ok.” Dems win 52: “This is a pretty good indication that America is waking up.” Dems win 53: “America is waking up.” Dems win 54 or more (including McMillan): “America is awake.” (This would likely mean Dems win the House as well.) To me, Walker or Oz winning means big trouble. Flipping one of the WI, NC, or OH seats would be good signs that Trumpism is in real decline. Flipping UT or FL means a new day is dawning and we are leaving that horrible shit behind.
  5. Sure, lots of people said Trump didn’t have a chance in 2015-2016; I was one of them. But no one at all ever said Trump worked super hard to be nominated. He didn’t work hard at all. He just stepped into a gaping void no one else with fame was willing to step into. He was uniquely suited to be crowned by the people freaked out about a black dude becoming president.
  6. Absent Abbott. Beto has zero chance of winning. But he at least deserves acknowledgement that he is campaigning hard as fuck. He will lose, but not because he didn’t work hard to get votes.
  7. He got renewed interest because he was one of the first famous people to predict Trump would be president. He also had some interesting/sane political thoughts he shared in blogs and Twitter prior to going insane. So people still think of him as relevant even though at this point he’s just another insane celebrity spouting nonsense.
  8. At this point 52 Democrat senators is more likely than 49, imho.
  9. Either Trump is convicted of a crime or DOJ/FBI forever lose the public trust. Those are the only possible outcomes. Pretty fucking high stakes. But surely they knew that before they moved in.
  10. I suppose one could look at that and assume recession is imminent pretty much anytime unemployment goes below 3.5%. I don’t believe that but I could see someone taking that away from that chart.
  11. Yep, if Demings wins that likely means 53+ democratic Senators plus McMullin in UT. Not happening. Certainly things are trending better for the Democrats, and at this point it’s reasonable to expect them to keep control of the Senate. But hoping for more than that is probably foolish based on how misleading polls have been over the last 7 years.
  12. I have not researched the details of the IRA enough to know for sure, but is the bill a test of the MMT theory that inflation can be tamed by removing money supply via taxation? If so it’ll be interesting to see the impact. I am not a believer in MMT because I don’t have faith in politicians to be disciplined enough to levy additional taxes at the right times. My understanding of the basics of this bill is that it is intended to tax more than it spends, but I could be wrong about that.
  13. Down on the coast for a week. It’s amazing the difference between a high of 89 (plus a steady breeze) down here now and high of 103 (with the air as still as a corpse) up in Austin last week.
  14. Good job. We bought one of the plastic ones about that size that came in 3 pieces. So assembly was cake but I was still pissed about how much sq footage of our living room it took up. But I have been shocked by how much mileage my 2 girls have gotten out of that damn thing. They play with it everyday going on 5 years and probably have another 3-4 years left. I’ve eaten an absolute fuckton of imaginary food in the last half decade.
  15. Are we sure that isn’t just demographic trends playing out? Pandemic induced early retirement of boomers would drag that rate down, and that will iron itself out as they reach full retirement age.
  16. Gonna cost more than that. Schwarber’s $70M/4yrs is probably in range for him if he keeps hitting anything like this.
  17. Trump’s record: Domestic: -Attempt at trickle down economics via huge tax cuts while also embracing just about every stimulus possibility (include COVID stimulus) and bellowing at the fed to keep rates artificially low due to his obsession with the stock market, resulting in huge deficits and a can of inflation kicked down the road. -Funded COVID vaccine programs -Funded NASA -Installed 3 conservative Supreme Court justices -Actively undermined health experts (many of whom served under him) to worsen response to global pandemic (aside from vaccine programs) and divide the country as much as possible, resulting in the premature deaths of tens/hundreds of thousands. -Actively encouraged division, hatred, violence, insurrection, stupidity, and general negativity among the populace at every opportunity -Attempted to subvert democracy and overturn a free and fair election, irreversibly damaging our citizens’ faith in our democracy and elections. Foreign: -Trade war with China, installing tariffs that had mixed impact -Sent his son in law to ineffectually negotiate peace in Israel -Actively undermined NATO and generally catered to Russia -Ineffectually met with the North Korean dictator -Used his incessant boasting, shit talking, and obvious insecurities to worsen our reputation with just about everyone in the world.
  18. LoL sorry, I didn’t read past “prospective”.
  19. Biden is too old to be president and I only voted for him because of my disdain for Trump. But he is fucking crushing it. His Fed is threading the needle to a soft landing, getting inflation under control without seeing significant increases in unemployment. His SoS and DoD have steered Russia into losing a large scale kinetic war in Europe without a single US soldier’s boots on the ground, while also mitigating the economic fallout thru negotiations with the Saudis (oil) and Turkey (wheat). On top of that, they’ve leveraged the event to expand NATO. He’s effectively addressed pandemic-induced shortages of formula and fuel. And now he’s about to pass a bill that I believe will be moderately effective at addressing RX drug prices and reducing the budget deficit. I wish he’d been able to pass better protections for voting rights and election integrity, and I wish he could get comprehensive immigration reform to instill a firm but compassionate border policy that also serves to address a long term labor shortage (something that doesn’t even appear to be on the list). And he’s still too old to be president. But considering the narrow congressional majority and geopolitical conditions he’s been dealt, his administration has far exceeded my expectations so far.
  20. 528k jobs added. 3.5% unemployment. RECESS-SHONE!!! INFLA-SHONE!!!
  21. I don’t think the IRA will have a significant impact on inflation one way or the other. But I think the Fed (and the passage of time away from the shocks that caused it) will fix inflation relatively soon. I actually like what I’ve read about the bill.
  22. LOL at saying “there were plenty of good CF out there”, then referencing Michael Taylor, a career wRC+ 82 hitter who WAS NOT TRADED, and Joey Fucking Gallo, who is sporting a .282 OBP, 39% k rate, and wRC+ of 82. GMAFB. Like I said, if you wanna whine about it fine, but the reality was the market to improve CF just wasn’t there.
  23. I think there are a lot of “pro-life” “pro gun” voters who have always assumed they would never actually have to confront the consequences of their votes. Uvalde and Dobbs might’ve woken them up.
  24. I grew up in south Texas without AC until age 9, both at home and at school. I know I’ve gone soft since then, but it wasn’t like this. I try to run 3 miles a couple of times a week, and the way my schedule is with work (from home) and my kids, usually the only free time I have is between 2pm and 4pm. The last 6 weeks I just can’t fucking do it. I get about 1/3 of the way in and the last 2 miles is me just walking, getting sunburned, and cursing greenhouse gases and my own dumb ass.
  25. I am very skeptical that the Walker Warnock debate will actually happen but if it does that shit is gonna be like watching me fuck: sad and hilarious.
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