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Everything posted by msucolt45

  1. That KKL shit is pretty “deep” and that’s all I got. Hook’em!!!
  2. Cool - whatever! At least we’ll always have this: Hook’em!!!
  3. I misspoke earlier- #64 was Frank Bedrick. His son was like a year or so behind me growing up in DeSoto. Hook’em!!!
  4. In the LHN edition of ‘63 - The Season, I think Lacy was showed wearing #63. My Dad’s only appearance in the documentary is showing him snapping the ball to Duke Carlisle, maybe a day prior to the Navy game. Hook’em!!!
  5. I think that picture shows Clayton Lacy? They took pictures prior to Dallas (Cotton Bowl) and once they were there. That’s why some of the team pictures have coaches and etc in sideline jackets. Hook’em!!!
  6. I think Ed Padgett wore #62 or #63, but he graduated in ‘62 - I think. I remember taking my son (he was about 8-10) to an “alumni breakfast” with his Grandpa prior to UT hosting Baylor and RGIII. When we first sat down, my Dad saw multiple former teammates, like Ed Padgett, who was going into the Ring of Honor that day, D McWilliams and Tommy Nobis. I bought my son an autograph book the night before to bring with him. After we were seated with T Nobis and DM, previous HC and teammate, I told him to get his book out for the table. He, as a youngster replied, “why these guys, as they’re just a bunch of old guys!” He thought we’d be eating breakfast with “today’s” Longhorns. I then took his book from him and got everyone, to include Roger Clemens, who was on the other side of the room, to sign his book. He still has it. Even his Grandpa signed it, against his frustrations. Hook’em!!!
  7. That picture was taken at UT, prior to going to the ‘63 Cotton Bowl. Hook’em!!!
  8. I don’t actually see a “63” in this picture, as the top right got closed in and can’t see jersey numbers.
  9. My Dad is third from the left, top row. He was #59. Hook’em!!!
  10. Hell, my Dad is 81 and if I ask him what number he wore during each season, he responds with “I can’t remember” and he just says that I was there. He still has his “T” jacket and ring from DKR, so he’s satisfied. Every once in a while he’ll wear his ‘63 National Championship ring, but he says it’s too large, but not to today’s standards. Hook’em!!!
  11. It was thinking it was Bednard as I see him wearing a different number. Iwas then thinking Clayton Lacy, but by that picture, it wasn’t him either. So I don’t know? Hook’em!!!
  12. Hook’em!! Dad’s roughed up watch and multiple bands/bracelets later over the decades. He wore it until the little spinner/dial came out. I told him that we should send it to Omega for refurbishing. ‘62 Cotton Bowl vs LSU. Hook’em!!!
  13. They actually had an Omega watch for the ‘62 Cotton Bowl vs LSU, that he wore a lot and still has. It’s very roughed up and he’s changed the bracelet/bands over the decades. He gave his ‘61 watch (vs Ole Miss) to his brother and his ‘63 (vs Navy) to his Dad. Neither have been seen over the last few decades. Hook’em!!!
  14. My Dad was never a “starter” on the roster. He was “66” as a Freshman, but they couldn’t play, by NCAA rules, So his “60” went to Nobis his sophomore/Junior year and when they were into ‘63, his number changed to 59, as he was a back-up guard or center. He doesn’t have any pictures from his Senior season (‘63) as his coach’s office roof was ripped off and the resulting rain from a tornado that hit DeSoto in the early ‘80s. He was able to have UT send him a couple of things, like His UT diploma and a large picture of the ‘63 Team prior to the Cotton Bowl. Hook’em!!!
  15. I’ve used that quote over the last decade. My wife really doesn’t appreciate it, but the guys on work trips like it! Hook’em!!!
  16. I was a pharmaceutical rep in the early 2000’s with a guy that was Fouts’ Center when they played that “magical” game vs Miami. #56 Bob Rush. Of course he was a little older than me, but I loved buying him a beer in the evenings and just hearing his stories of the NFL. He was a Memphis alum and went every weekend to do their radio show. This was early 2000’s. Hook’em!!!
  17. Respect - I have more respect at my Circle K! Hook’em!!!
  18. Did his Dad happen to be a roommate with one of the Manning Family? Hook’em!!!
  19. Nice - I mean welcome to the 40! Hook’em!!!
  20. Just simple military alphabet. Still use it when giving out names and numbers over the phone and such. Hook’em!!!
  21. It’s really gotten out of hand, since Covid, that people think that they can just say what they want and when they want to. Nothing like some 20 something “whipper snapper” in his first post- college job at a Junior High arguing with a referee. It’s like dude, I know my job, and I know the rule book, I’m just trying to officiate your Wednesday night A and B games, but my crew is actually officiating Steele vs Judson on Friday night! I did treat all games with the same non-biased importance. They just don’t realize the difference b/t a 3-man crew (Junior High level) vs a full 7-man crew for Varsity levels. Hook’em!!!
  22. We, as Longhorn Fans, are so lucky to have the professionalism of Craig Way! I travel a good bit throughout the year and listening to sports on SXM or on the AM dial, there is no comparison! Hook’em!!!
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