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abuelo gringo

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Everything posted by abuelo gringo

  1. abuelo gringo


    Been a big fan for many, many years. Crawlin', Teacher, Queen of Hearts, Nothin' But Fine, and especially I Knew the Bride. Edmunds is nearly 80. He and Lowe made some really great rockabilly together.
  2. I saw a lady with a shirt today that said "Feed Ted Cruz to a bear". I later Googled the phrase, wondering about its origin. No luck. Many people are selling shirts, hoodies, etc. with this phrase on it, but the origin eludes me. Anyone know?
  3. Being an ex-student/alumnus, I will soon be losing a lot of old emails archived in folders on my Utexas.edu account. I would like to retain many of these. I probably need to move them in some way to my hard drive. Will I need a new email client? What is the process? I currently use Windows 11 on a Dell laptop. I am not tied to using the Utexas/Google interface, so it can be another email program but I need to keep my current Utexas.edu address.
  4. Too many years since I read the books, but (per Wikipedia) Heinlein's Neamiah Scudder became leader of a theocracy in 2012, with the ensuing revolution in 2100. Seems many fictional prophesies were too close to the truth.
  5. I'm 75 and agree. The assassinations, police beating protesters, overt violence was worse. On a one to one basis, groups openly discriminated. But the system was still viable. Nixon had his enemies list, but outrage and push back occurred when it was publicized. Now, I have greater concerns about the middle class and youth stepping up and righting the ship. We may be in for a loss of our democracy as we know it. I hope not.
  6. You have to mix the Scudder's also. It's just the CM is still thinner after mixing. Both are just peanuts, so there is no other difference.
  7. Not my favorite. Too much oil. I prefer Laura Scudders, which has been in short supply at my local store.
  8. And they even have a strategy for when any criminal cases do get filed and tried:
  9. Port A is the same way. Beaucoups carts with Trump and LGB flags all over. The guy at the Tropical Snow trailer was wearing an Infowars.com tee shirt.
  10. Will finish tonight. Wife and I have enjoyed it. I've really liked Toni Collette's acting.
  11. I tried these the other day. Okay. Would buy again, but not regularly.
  12. FIFM. I saw at least two stories about it both on KIII (Corpus Christi) and KVUE (Austin) weather in the last week. Maybe it was not as popular in Houston or DFW markets.
  13. Agree. Our grandkids either thank us in person or via text, depending on the circumstances. I'm not sure what they would do if they had to write an old fashioned letter. Our children were good in making them aware about thanks.
  14. Emma Roberts and JoJo from Aquamarine.
  15. All I know is a) it wasn't on the drive through menu b) that's what the cashier told me when I tried to order one and c) he suggested I contact the company (which I did).
  16. Stopped at WB in Southpark Meadows today and they told me the jalapeno cheddar biscuit is discontinued. And so it begins...
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