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Everything posted by LonghornJones

  1. They showed a rerun of the Maryland Texas game on the in-flight movie.
  2. My wife and I stayed in an AirBnB in the West Highlands area NW of the city. Speer has a straight shot downtown. Very Austin'ish vibe.
  3. "If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck...it's most likely a duck."
  4. Nailed it. And is it possible that the oven caught on fire bc of all of the coffee grounds from Angela? Haven't seen any clips, just guessing.
  5. ...Because it seems like a waste to get such small implants.
  6. Pretty sure its what took OG 4Loko off the shelves, but I'm not scientist. Embrace it.
  7. Just look up Denver Tx Exes. We went to watch a game with them 3 years ago and had a good time. South side of Downtown. Choppers Sports Grill I think.
  8. Didn't I read here that Sam was trying to go home not too long ago? And now she wants to start throwing hay makers?
  9. The heart wants what the heart wants.
  10. $117.70 at open today 8/16/18. Benchmark.
  11. I think Brett is really playing a smart game right now. Ever since jury has started, he has slowly moved more toward the middle of the house. He's staying out of the spotlight, not getting picked for Veto comps, etc.. Watching him hug Rockstar after she got put on the block really shows he is expanding his gamesmanship. He totally threw her under the bus when he was on the block. It was DISGUSTING.
  12. I'm pretty sure if you just keep your speed above 55 mph, you can clear that gap.
  13. What's the story on that trash can?
  14. For those of us that missed the Hacker comp., etc., due to the golf tournament running long and not getting the entire episode recorded, what happened after Angela and Kaycee were nominated?
  15. You should paint his house camouflage overnight. The look on his face when he shows up the next morning wondering where his house went will be priceless.
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