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Anton Chigurh

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Everything posted by Anton Chigurh

  1. And a few less-impressive not-great shots of some other guys.
  2. I was finally able to knock a few things of my bucket list. They hopefully will not be the last examples, but I was pretty excited to get them. Here is the first. -Y and V5 are still juveniles. These guys are just such magnificent creatures to see soaring down on you. I think I saw 6 or 7 different birds. It was incredible.
  3. They are totally different. Much narrower, too.
  4. Nice. AJ (and also Omar I think) worked at my parents’ restaurant back in the day.
  5. Monaco is the only race that does their own production, and they suck at it.
  6. Lewis has been burned plenty in his career with strategy/reliability, to be fair. McLaren lost him a championship with bad strategy as a rookie, and he retired from the lead in 3 races in 2012 which would’ve put him square in the title fight. Mercedes also went against what Lewis wanted to do setup-wise on Saturday, which got him pissy to start with. I can’t blame him too much.
  7. Anton Chigurh


    This will work, but will probably not be great because it’s not an actual OE one (which aren’t available anymore). http://www.lpgear.com/product/ADCSQLM34MKIII.html It just pulls off and the new pushes in. But, since the cart is in unknown condition, you’re probably better off buying a new cart. Something like this would be okay, but you’d need to align it. Audio-Technica AT-VM95E Dual Moving Magnet Turntable Cartridge Green https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07JXD79Q1/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_H2ETNAD335YJBD6JC0FH
  8. Agree. I don’t usually watch FP3 unless it’s at a normal time, but I watch every minute of FP1 and 2.
  9. If you have the time….. FWW is a great channel.
  10. Anton Chigurh


    Received this today. It sounds magnificent. Also my first Tone Poet, weirdly enough. Thanks so much once again, MC.
  11. This and SIBLY live are my absolute favorite. Also a fantastic Bonham track.
  12. This is pretty sweet. https://www.instagram.com/p/CO3mi2MFhRg/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
  13. Also, I believe F1TV has the official season reviews. They are long (like several hours) but they sum seasons up extremely well. You could break them up over a few days on a non race weekend and get a good show of what happened. They’re worth a watch if you haven’t seen a specific season.
  14. It’s a funny thing. I rate Russell really highly, myself. I’m a fan of his (I think he will be my next guy once Lewis retires, along with Lando). But at the same time, that was the easiest track there is to do well at, so it’s hard to draw a great conclusion. Lewis has always been one of the best qualifiers we have seen, but his more recent magic is twofold: 1) Tires. He is working the tires in a way that few others can. He drives in ways that will work the fronts more on a rear limited circuit, or work the rears on a front limited circuit, to maximize lifespan and keep them in a good working range. He has an uncanny ability to feel the tires. I think he’s developed this even after the early Merc years (he’s way better at it now than he was in say 2014-2016). His ability to follow in dirty air while keeping the tires alive has made a huge difference so far this year. I think Leclerc is pretty good at this as well. 2) Consistency. His bad days are really damn good days for most other drivers. Yes, he has the tools to make it work, but he doesn’t hardly ever have any bad “off” days. I don’t mean to say Bottas is a top tier driver, but it also means it is unflattering to him when Lewis is so damn consistent. I do think this has also improved with time. 2011 Lewis wouldn’t have let Max push him off at T1. They would’ve crashed. 2021 Lewis is different. We are starting to see Max change a bit in that way, too, but it will be interesting to see Max say, five years from now as far as that aspect goes. It would definitely be interesting to see how Lewis would do in the Red Bull. He’s one of those drivers, similar to Alonso, that can make anything work for him. He drives around setup issues or inherent imbalances. Because of that, I think he would fare extremely well. Max and Charles can do this pretty well also. Sebastian Vettel, while I like him as a driver, has shown that he really struggles without a predictable rear end (TWSS), as he was never able to make the unstable oversteery cars work very well (S[emoji2403]inalla!) When we look back in history, there are few championship winning cars that weren’t the fastest. It doesn’t happen very often. That said, Lewis does somewhat have a case for 2008. I think the McLaren and Ferrari were just about as even as you can get, track dependent. It was similar for a while in 2017 and 2018, but Merc pulled away towards the end, and Ferrari had the worst strategy team in the history of strategy teams. That, plus Singapore 2017 and Germany 2018.
  15. Anybody want Valtteri’s AMG GT? https://www.facebook.com/100044302740189/posts/324552512364838/?d=n
  16. Anton Chigurh


    Both of the UHQRs are stereo from the 3 track tapes, and are the same mastering that Bernie Grundman did for Classic Records in the 90s. The original mono tapes were apparently lost or taped over and I don’t think the original mono release was even mastered from them.
  17. Also, y’all, it’s going to be Russell. Come on. There is one outlet that claims Bottas has already been told he’s not being renewed (Missed Apex, I think). But we will wait for that to be official later I guess.
  18. Not sure if serious. https://usa.tommy.com/tommy-x-lewis-explore/ He actually brought them on as a sponsor himself.
  19. Oh man, I just realized we have to deal with Mazepin at Monaco. That might be bad.
  20. It’s already in effect.
  21. Now I am watching the whole show in 5.1. Fuck yeah.
  22. Anton Chigurh


    Thanks, MC! It’s pretty nerdy, but there is a live stream with a bunch of big industry names going on right now. Mike Hobson (founder of Classic Records), Michael Fremer (reviewer, from Analog Planet), Chad Kassem (owner of Acoustic Sounds, Analogue Productions, and Quality Record Pressings), the QRP plant manager, Bernie Grundman (legendary mastering engineer) and a relatively well known you-tuber (45RPM Audiophile). Cool to hear them talk about how this stuff is done. Mostly centered on the new UHQR KoB release.
  23. https://www.instagram.com/p/COnXlT4oCeg/?igshid=19dcko5m5pqkx
  24. I believe the upgrades are only on Seb’s car this weekend (were on Stroll’s car last weekend).
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