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Everything posted by TreatyOak

  1. So to be clear, don't share potential problem updates for Alec Baldwin in the "Things Aren't Going Well for Alec Baldwin" thread. Makes sense.
  2. Well, shocking. Bored Ape NFTs have lost their value and now investors are suing. Good luck getting your money back.
  3. We shall see. Points and fires the gun that kills the woman. Says in police interview that assistant invited him to check firearm it but he declined. (You can watch him say so on YouTube). Lies to law enforcement that he never pulled the trigger. Sues undertrained, overworked Gen Z armorer. Currently may be re-charged now that lie has been exposed. P.S. I hate Trump, too.
  4. “No good deed goes unpunished.” While the phrase is often attributed to Oscar Wilde, it first appeared in a book by Walter Map in the 12th Century
  5. Well, goodness. It appears law enforcement has concluded that it was impossible for the gun to have gone off on its own, which means Alec Baldwin's story about the gun accidentally going off was, well, a lie, and that he may be charged again. I have contended that he was/is fully culpable. However, I was not aware that charges can be added after they are dropped. How common is that?
  6. You know a "kid" is turning 25?
  7. Since Sark dresses like it's 1984, I'm predicting 8 and 4.
  8. Such a beautiful post it brings a tear to my eye.
  9. Thank heavens the brave Kansas City fans stood up to the woman who tried to bully the kid, Jackson Mahomes, (he's only 23 years old, which makes him a kid), vandalized her restaurant and made death threats. Now the ugly, old woman (who probably begged for it) was forced to close her restaurant. UPDATE: The Aspens Restaurant and Lounge in south Overland Park, where Jackson Mahomes allegedly shoved a teenage waiter and forcibly kissed the owner, Aspen Vaughn, one night last February, is out of business now, after being repeatedly vandalized and its owner harassed and subjected to death threats. Vaughn says that after that incident, someone cut the connections to her restaurant’s central air conditioning unit, damaged the natural gas lines and pulled a fire alarm inside, which caused water damage. And all this, she believes, because she had the temerity to report Jackson Mahomes to police, though it was the father of the 19-year-old waiter who called them. Well, you showed her, and can take at least partial credit for the fact that people who worked at the Aspens are now out of work as a result. One of them, Stephanie Lopez, told The Star, “We were so close to making it, and then this whole thing happened."
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