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Everything posted by DallasHorn26

  1. I would thin RedBox helped contribute to this as well. Seems like it started about the same time. I'm actually surprised to see RedBox still around.
  2. I finished it over the weekend, thought it was pretty good. Has some crazy moments for sure.
  3. The Rangers are also playing at 3 today, so I’m sure that will help.
  4. I got YTTV for half off for a year with T-Mobile, It's been worth it for that, not sure when the discount ends.
  5. I discovered these a few months back. Love the fruity pebbles. Its so much better than any pre-made shake. I usually mix with almond milk or fair life.
  6. Sorry if already discussed, but I can’t help but think the other son was involved. Has there been any evidence to prove he wasn’t there the night of the murders?
  7. In my experience, it rings very true. I enjoyed drinking until I didn't. I reached the point where it became a necessity over luxury. Sure, I could string together brief periods of sobriety ranging anywhere from a few days to a few months, however, I'm not one to just be able to put the plug in the jug and feel fine. Even if life is going perfect by all accounts, I'm eventually going to need relief, and until I got down to causes and conditions, that relief came from the first drink, which led to more drinks. I didn't understand causes and conditions until I worked the steps with a sponsor. Through that process, my character defects became obvious and I learned how to build my defense against the first drink.
  8. I talked to a friend last week that went on a 12th step call to a man dying in the hospital with cirrhosis of the liver. The guy was dead in the yes and just yellow skinned from head to toe and was still trying to get family members to bring him a bottle of whiskey in. My buddy said that was the worst he had ever seen anyone and prays he never has to see that again. The guy didn't want to hear what they had to say, but they were able to get his family in contact with an Al-Anon group.
  9. I'm always in for a good heist movie/show, but at what point are the thieves anti heroes? In some instances, they are just straight up thieves and others they seem to be stealing with a purpose or to get revenge on some other morally corrupt person who did them wrong. Either way, I always find myself pulling for them to get away with it.
  10. I just finished and thought it was well done. I just let Netflix auto play and felt it was a pretty good order. Thankfully it ended with Pink then White, thought that made for a pretty solid way to close it out.
  11. No one is going to shun you for going. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. A lot of us have had periods of time where we could stay sober, just some longer than others. If you’re feeling anxious or dare I say restless, irritable or discontent, then relief may come through the program. There is a guy in my home group now that is just starting the steps who celebrated his two year birthday this week. You’ll find a home in AA just go to some meetings and I’m certain you’ll find some one to relate too. If you’re serious about the growth and working the steps, then I don’t see it as wasting anyones time. There is always room for one more in our herd.
  12. I was a little young for Cheers in it's run, but have been watching in my down time . So many good moments and one-liners. Just finished the Cliff on Jeopardy episode referenced earlier in the thread. "Who are three people who've never been in my kitchen?"
  13. Meet Cash. We found him at a shelter a few weeks ago. He’s around 4 and came completely house broken, knows commands, and is just completely laid back. He’a still warming up to tue new surroundings, but so far so good.
  14. I don't know what I would do without my network of sober friends now, or my sponsor. I feel like these guys are the first real friends I've ever had and they're not afraid to give me hard truths when I need them. There is so much more to this thing than sitting in a meeting for an hour at a time sipping Folgers. We were talking to a guy the other night before the meeting who was about 60 days in, fresh out of treatment. He said he was going through a divorce, unemployed and living off the money form selling this house. Said none of those things were a result of his alcoholism... When asked if he had a sponsor, "I'm not sure that I need one." One of the more outspoken guys in my group just looked at him and said, "well man, you're probably gonna drink again".
  15. Does anyone have any connections in the Midland/Odessa area.? An old running buddy of my Dad's called me yesterday and said he was desperate and was going to his first meeting Friday in Midland. He knew I was in the program and wanted to talk to a familiar face. No one in my sponsor ship circle has any connections there, so hoping one of you may know someone I can connect him with in person. I'm going to stay in touch with him too.
  16. I can't tell you what to do, but I can speak from my experience. I spent years chasing alternate solutions in medicine, therapy, counseling, reading, exercise. At the end of the day, I still continued to get drunk and wreck my life and those around me. I made every excuse in the book as to why I drank the way I did and looked for every reason to justify my drinking. I blamed my situation on everyone and everything around me. Turns out, I'm basically a selfish prick who didn't respond well when the world around me didn't meet my expectations and then I drank because I drank. I had periods of sobriety, but I was miserable. Being sober wasn't enough. Drinking had been my solution, not my problem. When I came into AA, I saw people that were happy, seemed to have it together and were sober. Surely these guys didn't drink the way I did and cause the hell I caused. But sure enough, as I listened to them and shared my experience, they matched me story for story and at times made my drinking seem amateur. At the beginning, I was told if you want we have, then go where we go and do what we do. Lo and behold, that has worked! I learned out to get out of my own way and stop making excuses. It was about getting out of my comfort zone and doing those things I didn't want to do or felt uncomfortable doing like speaking in front of a group, spending several nights a week going to meetings, picking up the phone and calling someone to see how they're doing. Now those things bring me joy. I used to show up to the meeting right on time, slip in and slip out,. Now, I show up to the meeting early, make coffee, take out the trash, pick up cigarette butts if needed and I do it with a smile on my face.
  17. https://www.fox4news.com/news/ray-jackson-prison-drug-money-laundering $500 a month?? This guys should have taken some lessons from Saul.
  18. What makes it worse, is they don't start paying the driver until the passenger is in the car. There usually isn't much incentive for a driver to go pick someone up that's 20 minutes away unless they know it's going a decent distance.
  19. Katherine Zeta-Jones-Marry Katherine Heigl -F Katherine Hahn-Date
  20. I rewatched S1E1 yesterday and in the opening sequence the same color effect happens when he pops the VCR tape in of his old commercials.
  21. SIAP, but I keep thinking what else could we explore in this world. After a re-watch of breaking bad, I think an Early Gus backstory would be interesting. The cartel guys respected him in the beginning of their business dealings and it was stated several times he was only kept alive by the cartel because they knew who he was. The DEA and mike could find no trace of Fring prior to him arriving in Mexico in the late 80s. Id find it interesting to see this played out whether in a short series or a movie.
  22. In the episode "Better Call Saul" in season 2, one of their dealers got busted. Jesse said they needed a "criminal lawyer" and that Saul was the guy to get them off the hook. The events depicted in last night's episode (Walt and Jesse kidnaping Saul) took place. Saul helped their dealer walk free and set up another guy as Heisenberg. The relationship continued with Saul offering to help launder money and introduce Walt to Gus.
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