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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by RDCanecutter

  1. Well, she's not. She's the ventriloquist dummy. Whoever's got their hand up her butt is making her say that. Left alone, she'd be sharing Q themes on FB and yelling at a clerk.
  2. OK, say your name is La Tourniere or some shit, and you're tired of spelling it for people. What's wrong with just "Turner?" It's not like La Turner is going to France and people say, HAwN HAWN HAWN, look 'ow 'e kept ze LA, mozzerfuck we loves zat fellow French bastard!" Keep La Tourniere, or go full Turner, you wishy-washy chipmunk. Prolly fixin to quit, aren't you?
  3. I'm OK with being from a different country than MTG. But I was born before they decanted her, and in Georgia. I call dibs on America. Let her squat in her rotten borough. She's good for ten new Democrat votes elsewhere every time she barks.
  4. Most likely because people had big families, and it would cost another Union soldier for every Second-Try-Confederate they had to hunt down. Andrew Johnson offered amnesty (probably Lincoln would have done the same,) they accepted their pardons and swore oaths of loyalty, then ranged from Acting Right to Being Insanely Violent Dickheads in the following years. Jeff Davis did a little time, but never got the trial he wanted so he could weasel out of a wee bit of treason. Feds were probably like "pound sand and eat your prison food, Mr. Imaginary President." About those former Confederates who went to Mexico, Brazil, Central America, and who knows where else, I imagine they knew what happened to failed rebellions, and they didn't know that the hang-em-high faction up north wouldn't prevail. Also, there was a fair amount of war-criming depending on when and where they fought. It'd be just their luck to go back to Old Kentucky and run into some guys who Knew What You Did Last Summer.
  5. We both know I don't have that power. More likely to imitate you than oppose you.
  6. Say what you will, but kudos to her for rocking a Philosoraptor-background dress.
  7. Eh. Clunky joke, but not a felony. The real knee-slapper is that everybody gets to deal with their own personal cancer, unless they croak of something else first.
  8. Reporting from Western North Carolina where we are currently visiting family. Googled "coin shops" and they appear to be almost as common as drug stores around here. I'm talking every 5 or 10 miles especially as you get near Asheville. Asheville, while growing, is still far from huge. I suppose it's all the retiree money. I doubt I'll have time to explore this trip, and metal is high anyway, but on a future visit I'd definitely be down for a store-to-store crawl. Maybe a lurking Surlster who lives here can take up the banner and pull it off.
  9. Imagine what he could do if he would just wake up.
  10. Got on a lucky one, came in eighteen to one. I've got a feeling this year's for me and you.
  11. Which psychopath put little "lol"s and "haha" comment nervous chuckles in a conversation about a crazy guy committing suicide? haha
  12. I was teaching French at the time. One of my students suggested that we call it "Freedom Language."
  13. Plus he wasn't stepping out in the middle of those crazed false-flag antifa. Good try though Libtards.
  14. I'd be happy first with a classic high-school puddle of drool + red forehead print. Somehow caught on camera. Tongue choking later on.
  15. You can't handle the truth.
  16. I enjoy pointing out that the first people Robt E. "I cannot raise my sword against Virginia" Lee attacked were fellow Virginians in the mountains who didn't want to join his fake new country. They put a whoopin on him too.
  17. Pretty sure at this point, Mike Johnson doesn't give a fuck. If they fire him, so long as he gets the bill passed, he gets to go home at cut ribbons on that new liquified gas terminal or whatever pork he gets in return.
  18. She is trying to start the prophesied End Times war between Israel and Mexico. See the Biblical Prophet Billy-Bob speaking of the Jew-Messican war in the Book of Hurr-Durr, a canonical Cowboy Church chapter following Revelation that somehow missed Nicaea. This is 4D Chess-- which way will the Crypto-Jews of Monterrey break? For in my research (sitting in bars) if you talk to a person from Monterrey for more than 5 minutes, they will reveal their Crypto-Jewish roots. Which kind of defeats the entire point of being crypto if you're yapping to random gringos about it. But I guess nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition.
  19. I read it long ago. I remember something about Okie mercenaries tagging along with the Israelis. I don't remember rereading it.
  20. And here I sit with a couple of sheets of them, just getting rich.
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