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Everything posted by aggie08

  1. Of all the terrible things said about Donald Trump over the years, you know this is pissing him off the most.
  2. To be fair, it was a 3 day weekend. Not sure I'd give up a 3 day weekend for my own kids.
  3. You are aware that the Washington Post prints new articles every day? That's a lot of content to fill. They can't all change the world. You've got to be shitting me that you think they backed down because they feared litigation from swamp trash lawyers.
  4. Fucking hilarious. What's next? Your take on the proper fraction amount to assign black people?
  5. You pretty recently called transgender individuals mentally ill. It's pretty obvious that you activity seek out being "pulled offsides" by bigoted garbage. Go fuck yourself.
  6. I don't know about you, but I don't think I'll be able to bring myself to vote for an 141 year old Cyborg Biden in 2084.
  7. Yeah, but still...how dare the President acknowledge it!
  8. Hostile towards Christians that would get all hot and bothered about having to "share" their sacred holiday of hiding plastic eggs full of candy with the trans community? God, I hope so.
  9. Counterpoint: she preconditioned average Joe's response to be, "That's it? She's just another terrible human being in the highest levels of coaching? Wake me up when she covers up a murder. Maybe this was a politically motivated hit job. Derp, derp."
  10. I mean, gun control is the obvious thing that comes to mind when someone says, "If Sandy Hook can't change things, nothing will." But I was also referring to our descent into this post-fact, conspiracy-addicted society. This was pre-Trump--conspiracy peddling hadn't yet taken complete hold as the primary platform of one of our major political parties---so this was our chance to say, "okay, 9/11 truthers were bad enough, but this is truly heinous" and categorically shun conspiracy theorists and those who profit off of them from our society. Instead, we tolerated them with no worse than an eye roll and soon learned that a quarter of the population truly wants to be lied to if it feeds their fear, distrust, and hate...more than enough to keep people like Alex Jones rich. As always in human history, the message--and the truth--doesn't really matter. Whoever says it loudest, fastest, and most convincingly usually wins the day and plows over the majority of society, who are decent, adverse to confrontation, and put a lot of faith in decorum and others' ability to feel shame. In the past, you at least had to earn your platform, so that did an okay job of keeping the reach of the true sociopaths contained. Not no more.
  11. I can't get through 20 minutes. Deep down, I already knew it, but this confirms: if Sandy Hook didn't spark real change, nothing ever will. Fuck anyone and everyone who puts a single cent in Alex Jones' bank account with their clicks. Which, sadly, is going to be me and everyone who watched this and generated buzz around his name.
  12. I can 100% confirm that it's not MAGAs who are filling California's roads with Teslas.
  13. I'm getting my scorching hot "stop employing Doc Rivers if you want to win a Championship" take ready earlier than usual this year.
  14. Pedophiles tend to calculate their way into positions of power and trust where they have loosely supervised access to children. More news at 10.
  15. ^^^okay, maybe should have gotten to Episode 4 before writing that. That shit with Jamie Lynn and Ariana Grande is next level creepy. And daily female crew massage requests. Gross. Just a gross industry as a whole. A bunch of adults deciding what would be most appealing for 14 year old boys to watch.
  16. Can't help but wonder if Dan Schneider would be as prominently featured in this if he didn't look the part of pedophile to a T. Some cringe-worthy shit to be sure, but morning struck me as predatory or abusive towards the children. Sneaking adult jokes that fly over our kids' heads is a big part of why we tolerate kids' movies. He came off as a big kid that never grew up giggling to himself about writing dick jokes on a kids' show. Would that shit fly today? Hell no. But nothing jumped off the screen as, "oh my God, that guy's a monster." Well, maybe coercing a writer to pitch her idea while pretending to receive anal sex. That's super fucked up, but it was in a room with grown adults at least.
  17. Please don't use words that you don't understand. This schtick that you've got going has a very narrow lane...try to stay within it.
  18. I wouldn't exactly call Texags "embarrassed Trump voters".
  19. They'll certainly try, but I think they're out of juice to squeeze on the LeBron v. Curry front. Just two bad basketball teams.
  20. Well, not when it's convenient to express faux outrage about her treatment.
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