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Everything posted by aggie08

  1. The amount of unfilling life choices and wrong turns you'd have to make to find yourself in that audience...
  2. Of course not. But their fanbases have to come closest to near 100% usage. Just super weird to me with regards to pro sports. Carry on.
  3. Is it a requirement for all Lakers' and Celtics' fans to use "we" and talk about your chances in a particular season in terms of what number banner you're hoping to hang? Fucking cringe.
  4. The East was settled the second a team with title aspirations decided to hire Doc Rivers as their coach. (and probably before that when a team known for its defense dropped to 19th with Dame now on their roster)
  5. Dallas could still make this a series--especially if KP is dinged up--because young role players playing better at home is something you can set your watch to, and Dallas has a lot of them. But they're not coming back from 3-1, and winning two straight against a veteran Boston team that plays better on the road is a tall ask.
  6. When it comes to winning playoff basketball, I think Jrue is the better player, straight up. Then, you factor in Dame's contract... I get that Milwaukee had to do something to show Giannis how committed they are, but I thought it was a terrible move in the moment, and it's likely going to prevent them from competing for championships in the near future. I wonder if they still make the deal if they knew that Jrue would ultimately end up on the roster of their biggest Eastern rival.
  7. Boston is just a really, really good fucking basketball team with no real holes. No shame in losing to them. I think Denver was probably the only team that could have possibly beat them. But they choked, so fuck 'em.
  8. I assume landing on top of other dead people probably helps?
  9. Amazing to see Paul Pierce walking around in Boston Garden without a wheelchair.
  10. Having to actually depend on Kyrie is a different animal.
  11. Good movie, but definitely suffered from a severe case of "She's All That" suspension of disbelief. "Ignore my ridiculously square jaw and giant arms; I wear glasses, so I'm a nerd."
  12. If that video had gone for an extra 15 seconds, it would have shown him transitioning seamlessly into an ad read for some get your dick hard supplement.
  13. Do Olympians ever get their spots because of popularity, and not merit? The only one that comes to mean is Christian Laettner instead of LSU Shaq on the Dream Team, and no Isaiah.
  14. Kind of rooting for the Celtics, because the 180 degree narrative shift on Jayson Tatum will be something to behold, even for talking head sports show standards.
  15. God, I hope so. "I want my sparkling water to taste like light beer" is a choice.
  16. I've drank, like, one soda a year for the past two decades, so I'm probably not the best barometer, but I've had the exact opposite experience. Other than restaurants with no other choices, I hardly ever see anyone buying or drinking a normal Coke. Coke has always tasted sticky to me, like I could feel my teeth rotting in real time. It does seem to work better as a mixer though. Diet Pepsi, on the other hand, I'm not sure if I've ever seen out in the wild. Diet Coke must crush all other Diet brands combined 10 to 1. I assume there's a reason, but it will be a cold day in hell before I ever drink a diet soda.
  17. So these are the polls we do trust, and not the ones that we don't trust?
  18. Personally, I'm always a little jealous when I see a Jeopardy clip where someone doesn't know who the last NBA MVP was or what adult swim is. Must be kinda nice to be totally disconnected from the entertainment industry and pop culture. To each their own.
  19. The amount of massage parlors within 3 miles of any Navy foreign port is just staggering. Those boys should really be trained to lift with their legs while on deployment!
  20. Meh. Getting pretty tired of the "let me get my gotcha sound bite in, then immediately try to move on, so you can't speak" approach from media, congressmen, etc. Just feels amateurish, and you can't beat the GOP in the "I'll just talk over you" game. I'm partial to letting them talk, then turning to the camera/audience and calmly explaining how much of what they just said is factually an outright lie. Pretend they're not even there, just talk to camera. That shit drives them absolute crazy, and it's more effective than trading gotchas.
  21. aggie08


    Gotta be weird being neighbors with people who waive to you when you pull in your driveway, but, after a few beers, probably lament how it would be great if you just didn't exist. Respect for handling it in about the classiest/coolest way possible.
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