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Sleep off ugly

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Everything posted by Sleep off ugly

  1. This is most definitely a song of social commentary. If the mods want to move or delete, cool. YouTube probably will delete anyway. it was written about 10 years ago.
  2. I agree with the horde here that some of the casting and action scenes are weak sauce. But even though I wasn’t a fan of the prequels it’s cool as hell seeing Ewan as Obi-Wan, and Uncle Owen is well cast. I’m digging it despite it’s faults.
  3. This from memory, no looking at clips, so may not be 100%. Coach- “Albania, Albania, you border on the Adriatic.” Henri- “France wins! France wins” Norm- “you don’t hear that everyday” Sam (regarding the contest with Henri as he leaves with 3-4 stewardess). ”congratulations on the contest or whatever” Last line in the show Sam- “I’m the luckiest son of a bitch in the world” I’m a fan.
  4. I’m pretty sure this is the human condition for almost all the straight guys on this thread. And the ones who say different are liars
  5. I just want the burning trebuchet question finally answered.
  6. I’m guessing your point is execution is a barbaric practice, only done by monstrous folks. Country Total executed (2021)[75] Iran 353 Egypt 82 Saudi Arabia 64 Syria 37 Somalia 22 Iraq 21 Yemen 17 United States 11 China 6+ Bangladesh 3 Botswana 3 Japan 3 South Sudan 1 Vietnam Unknown North Korea
  7. This is the strangest…are you a…what the fuck is…why is there a… those creepy ass pics… Well done. Please mods, bring back the Classics forum.
  8. Best of luck man. I’m in no way a doctor but as you know if they snip any of those little fuckers early you should be okay.
  9. Yeah, it’s not a fun experience. I’ve had a couple and I’m not that old. PSA- (to the other shaggy/surly idiots) Do it. If you have the insurance or resources get it done. It can literally save your life.
  10. Great show. The entire cast is great but Tramell Tillman ( the creepy manager) is fucking outstanding in his limited scenes.
  11. Those dudes were literally starting dozens of threads where they were the only person to reply (to themselves). Those threads should be preserved in some sort of internet disfigured wax museum. As an aside I think “internet disfigured wax museum” may be a decent band name or motto for the off-season.
  12. I just rewatched Free Guy (the Ryan Reynold movie). I love this film. Without reservations. It is kind and beautiful and sweet. It’s also ridiculous and Hollywood to the core. I may have had allergies during certain scenes. If you are looking for a family friendly movie I highly suggest it.
  13. Autocorrect is fucking with Tex it seems. I guess I’m an outlier cause I thought Ken Jeong was funny as hell.
  14. I agree with the consensus here that this show was quality, I just finished the finale about 20 minutes ago. Just a couple of thoughts to add. ep 9 was fucking incredible. The actor playing Cheevan was great throughout the show but he (and his brother) really shined. It was beautiful and extremely well executed, as good as The Leftovers season 1, ep 3 with a similar vibe (where the preacher goes gambling). One nitpick, unlike many folks here I wasn’t super impressed by the entire cast. Some were terrific, some pretty good and a few so-so. Regardless a really good show. Looking forward to reading the book.
  15. Please go fuck yourself. If you feel the need call me a white knight or snowflake or blah blah blah, go right ahead. After all that’s out of your bile filled system remember to go fuck yourself. (regarding immortal like lobo I hope he finds peace, I can’t imagine the pain he’s been through)
  16. I could add a story, but I’m drunk and it’s not nearly a funny as most of these. Just want to say Merry Christmas to all the surly degenerates. Hope everyone is on this thread is rolling with the punches.
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