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Everything posted by GhostofDanJones

  1. They aren't coaching apparently
  2. So you didn't see any of Charlie's era?
  3. Can't catch for shit, can't block (unless you count throwing yourself in front of an oncoming blitzer), can't hit the hole hard enough whenever he runs the ball. Guy should only be used for mop up duty.
  4. In the press conference he was talking about how well the team is prepared, looking forward to the season, improved this and that, blah blah blah. Lying mother fucker!
  5. True, but I highly doubt Patterson is coming.
  6. It's like he has no clue what he's doing.
  7. USC struggled with a shitty UNLV team today so I like our odds.
  8. texags laughs https://texags.com/forums/5/topics/2972785
  9. Never had Zaxby's, but I would take it over chipotle
  10. I want us to beat Maryland too, but god damn dude....
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