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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by ChickenSandwich

  1. I like the RB internet rumor that Max and Jos are pissed at LH’s new contract (Max is locked into his) and this is a way to break or negotiate a new deal.
  2. Hopefully the SEC teams have better camera angles. Isn’t this a new stadium?
  3. Fucker lead with his knee. How is that a foul. What the hell is the defense supposed to do?
  4. If Checo wasn’t such a dog in his car the dominance wouldn’t be so boring Even BoatAss was good for pole and an occasional win and was generally competitive all season.
  5. Couple of scattered unconfirmed rumors Jos is close to or banging the “victim”.
  6. Top ten as expected except for Sto lol
  7. A tweak I think could work for P3 would be to shorten it to 30 mins. That should force more action on the track at least.
  8. Good to know. Trying this weekend.
  9. P3: 17 mins in and 3 cars have a lap time. 🤦‍♂️ Sprint weekends aren’t perfect but its still better than three identical practice sessions.
  10. First day overreaction looks like a clear 5 teams in the top ten fighting for Q3 Red Bull, Merc/Ferrari, McL, Aston Battle at the back looks interesting with Williams and RB seemingly at the front. Might not be a lot of points for the guys in this group this season
  11. How does she stand to gain financially from this? Does Jones have to include his children in his will? Is she entitled to some back child support because JJ and mom made a deal out of court for support? Is this just a big fuck you admit your my father only law suit? There has to be a pot of gold to chase, otherwise why spend the attorney fees?
  12. Max has a new sponsor on the top of his sidepods lol
  13. I think Chris Ogden could have coached last year's team to the elite 8 or beyond. *Love Oggy. No disrespect
  14. Beard was 5 mill a year, so this is basically a 3 year deal in money terms making a buyout easier regardless of years remaining.
  15. Offensive player stumbled going to the basket and caught Max with an anvil elbow to the dome.
  16. Whitmore has been great in his limited mins.
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