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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by gyroprotagonist

  1. yeah, i am sure the stop the steal marketed grift is still taking in $$. he keeps digging deeper and deeper into Q lore to entice simpletons to give up their cash.
  2. this has to be the bottom sooooooooooooooooo many magas are going get wrekt trying to buy these. i have not even looked, are they are matic chain?
  3. sounds like 'big golf' talking... but thanks for the link
  4. i mean, in hindsight this is exactly what we should have known was going to happen. dude is going grift until he's dead and thirst SO BIGLY for praise he will do anything to keep it going. nothing is too demeaning for him at this point. that being said...L O Fucking L at fanboi cosplay art for cool $100 per.
  5. hell, it's illegal to not have a front license plate in Texas yet a lot of cars now are built with no posts for a front plate. That and dark tint level is just a built in excuse to pull over anyone they want to.
  6. lol, these are back to basically mint price. They rebounded a little to $10K but were under $8K. anyone still banging around with NFTs?
  7. for a lot of the images associated with NFTs, the graphic files are hosted on other servers. The blockchain contract 'points' to those websites to link the image and then pull it up when a website references an NFT blockchain. So the NFT is not really gone, but the image link is broken. could probably be fixed by whoever has the keys to the contract, but i don't think the holders themselves could fix the issue of getting the image to display properly. I really have no idea how FTX did their NFTs though. so my explanation could be way off. what i described above was in reference to ETH based NFTs. I don't think i have made a single transaction in 7+ months as there is just no money to be made like in the 'old' days (well, no easy money). Still follow the action a little on twitter and a few discords but had liquidated a lot of my stuff in Dec of last year.
  8. yeah, go to a cutter and get an mri/xray - i had a bone spur once and did surgery to file it down and they also tried to abrade some arthritis off the joint. worked ok, but i have gone back to get cortisone shots when some inflammation would not go away i have always gone to the Carrell Clinic in Dallas
  9. he saw OBJ get more attention from the Cowboys after getting escorted off a plane and said 'hold my beer' your move Jerry...
  10. have Park City (Canyons side at Grand Summit) and Angel Fire (rando cabin) booked this year. the place at Canyons is super convenient with a lift ~20 ft from the back doors. Main gondola is ~2 min walk away. You can 'ski' to the Park City side but is mainly riding short lifts to a gondola to get there. I think it's actually faster to take the bus most times. Busses were hit or miss at lift close times at the end of the day though when we ended the day on the PC side. Going to be trying out some new Burton step-in bindings for the snowboard. I'm getting too old to bend down and strap in every time so hoping these are better. We did AF last year so we could drive and take the doggo (loves the snow) and it went from ghost town to record crowds by the weekend. Hopefully they have more of the mountain open during the week. it's a tiny mountain compared to the bigger CO resorts, but OK for a long weekend.
  11. was the # for a processor to make sausage?
  12. first older thread that came up with London and Paris search. here's a mini trip report for Paris (4 nights) and London (4 nights) we just got back from over Thanksgiving break (wife+teen kids). Lots of touristy stuff that wife and i have done before, but with the kids in tow, we were doing it all again. Wife has been several times to London in the couple of years, but my first time in ~20 years; kiddos first time overseas. took off Friday night on BA to LHR so we could try to get some sleep and be ready to go 9:30am on Sat. Sprung for biz class and it was pretty nice. even my 6'6" ass could stretch out when making the seat flat. We were going straight away to the Eurostar for Paris. Took a while to get to KC/San Pancras station from LHR as the Express train was not running (we found out later) due to strikes, so just rode the Piccadilly line all the way. Got to hotel (https://www.sofitel-paris-baltimore.com/en/) around dusk. view from room Pretty good location. Walking distance to the tower, Arc, Champs-Élysées etc... Overall the weather was OK. not much sun in Paris over the 4 days, but not too much rain either. We hit up the Seine boat tour first night in. got a little cold at the end but otherwise was fine. Went to Eifel Tower, Sainte-Chapelle, Musée d'Orsay, Arc de Triomphe the next day - most of the time the kids were free to get into the places. We got that Paris Museum Pass and it was well worth the money. Nothing was too crowded ever but this saved us a lot of time already having a ticket and getting use the 'fast' lanes at stuff like the Sainte-Chapelle and Musée d'Orsay and just have one QR code to scan for everything. I think it also had free tourist bus (double decker bus) that we used to get to some of the attractions next day was Louvre first thing. About a 2 minute wait to get in front of the Mona Lisa. Kids really liked the Louvre. We were there first thing and it was not crowded at all. We just hit the highlights and stayed there for ~2 hours or so. Then just walked around and hit a little xmas market nearby and then rode the bus around. Then on to the Pantheon and daughter and wife went to the Parfum Museum while son and i just posted up in a cafe. The Notre Dame crypts were closed for no reason we could find online so missed those. There was a wine tasting included in the Paris pass so plowed through that prior to dinner that evening. Not too exciting for the kids, but actually pretty good for 'free'. 3rd day breakfast at Les Deux Magots then to Versailles. Again, kids really liked this one. It was cold and rainy standing outside waiting for the doors to open, but that was worst weather we saw. everyone was prepped for it, so no real complaining from anyone. By the time we were through with the inside tour the weather was much nicer and we walked around the grounds for a few hours. Had no idea how big the area was and we blundered over to the Petit Trianon and the kids ran around 'exploring' the grounds for quite some time. We are no strangers to walking, but in hindsight we should have rented a golf cart. Did not see the stand to get one until we walked all the way back up to Versailles proper. Google maps showed we walked 7.5 miles that day. - then after we got back to home base, we took a cab to Sacre Coeur and walked down from there to see the Moulin Rouge area. Walked past a bar/restaurant in the area that the pass said we could get free champagne and desserts so stopped in there for a quick pit stop. Last day there we went to the Abbey of Saint-Germain and then walked down to the Rodin museum. The outside gardens were deserted as there was a light sprinkle so it was nice to literally have them to ourselves. Then back on the Eurostar to London London we stayed at the San Pancras Renaissance. Very cool place connected right to the San Pancras tube/train station. Splurged for one of the Chamber Suites (Queen Victoria Suite) and it did not disappoint. Overall seemed a very cool place and obviously walk out access to the tube/Eurostar Really just ran in and dropped off our bags then made an orbit on the Eye. Then just hung out at Trafalgar Sq Next day early to Tower of London, then Tower Bridge, then afternoon tea at 1 Aldwych which was just a massive overload of sweets (Charlie and the Chocolate factory theme). Next we just cruised the Uber boat ferry on the Thames for an hour or so until it stopped raining and walked around the Thames. Again, the London Pass came in handy and provided a free day of Uber boat so we used it quite a bit that day. Next day started with Westminster Abbey, then Buckingham Palace and caught a little of the changing of the guard with a good doggo. Hopped on one of the tourist busses over to St. Paul's. The kids wanted to climb to the top (512 steps) but we did not really want to. Holy Shit were they adamant about not letting a 12 and 14 yo climb to the top by themselves as the lady at the base told us. I eventually went with them but my daughter got a little ahead of me as some people who were resting in an alcove jumped in between us. the lady at the penultimate stop told us no less than 3 times for the kids to always stay with me. After the climb to the very top, she told us again as were all together on the way down. Anyway the view was spectacular then stopped at pub, watched a little soccer and headed to the British Museum. Free admission, but they had the Rosetta Stone paywalled behind an exclusive exhibition that needed another ticket. 36 quid later and we are all viewing it. They had the knockoff version in another section but figured we are there and might as well see the real deal. after that, avoided any trouble with the USA-ENG draw and called it a night. Next day was a cab out to Windsor Castle to pay our respects to the Queen. Then strolled around with the punks in Camden Town. Very cool place, but what a mass of humanity. Then back on the tube to Harrods for some souvenirs. could only take ~45 mins in that place. wow it was packed! Then we went out to Shoreditch to just walk around and see all the trendy young people. It was 9pm or so and we tried to find a place to eat with the kids, but with the WC matches going on, it was pretty much just bars and cocktail lounges. The Circle line was down (strike) so we had walked a mile to get their from the next nearest stop. Just took a cab back to Trafalgar Sq and found a place eat around there. Trafalgar was our hangout each night as the kids lover roaming around climbing around the base of the pillar. Had one more sleep and headed to LHR. Overall the 'planned' strikes for the train/tubes did not affect us that much other than the Heathrow Express cancelled on our first Saturday. We let the kids go on a short scavenger hunt by themselves using the tube just to see if they could do it and they did fine (it was not to St. Pauls, lol). overall hell of a trip. kudos to the wife for planning 99.9% of it.
  13. Anyone got a stream link for the game? Overseas.
  14. went yesterday. great flick. no overwhelming altruism all the players acting in their (mostly) self interest, not trying to 'save the world' but rather their emotions/revenge/tribe. i instantly want to see Namor fight Thor now.
  15. not even a csb, but I cannot even remember the number times i drew the B17 on notebook paper while doodling in school growing up. Think it was the tailgun and the name Flying Fortress that really captured my imagination. Very sad to see that happen
  16. luckily never kept any money on cex yield farms. But now i think i am going to pull all non-trading assets from cexs and back into my custodial wallet or even some into a *gasp* FDIC insured bank. Maybe the bottom comes in the next 2 months or so and will try to find some new entry points.
  17. i hit my BILs taylor made 3 and 5 woods and they were incredible. soo much more forgiving than what i was playing (ancient Adams driver and taylor made 'Burner' 3W from late 90s)
  18. so i 'm guessing there will be - Celeb tier - 8 buck chuck tier - complete pleeb/non-paid not tier I mean, in the grand scheme of Twitter revenue, the 8 buck chuck subs will not be a ton of money, but the money is just sitting there for the taking. Will be interesting if legit news reporters that Musk does not like get the celeb tier. by forcing them into the $8 tier, he can effectively drown them out with the masses. The non-paying tier will be relegated to read-only if Musk follows through and prioritizes celeb and paid in search results/trending.
  19. Both those fumbles were great plays by their D. That fumble by RJ on the 4th down was a killer. At least 3 points gone. They were 'lucky' with the bounces when the ball was on the turf until that last one. Praise be that one kicked straight to us with no one else in sight.
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