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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by gyroprotagonist

  1. yeah, ads popping up and ads embedded in the page.
  2. says the person who does not have 5 units riding on the chanticleers
  3. i think they probably doctored the fish before-hand and planted some/all of them.
  4. listened while fighting traffic all afternoon today. yes, there is still way too much grey wolf deference but it's expected. back and forth will get better (no where to go but up). Julie was pretty much unbearable with the cheerleading today. several references to better pay vs the Ticket (at least from Julie and i think Mike S at one point). If they evaluate themselves it will be obvious that there needs to less Mike worship and more Mike S. it's only day 2. I can see where Mike was coming from with his comments of thinking he was getting marginalized by others there. Whether you attribute it to Mike having lost his fastball or mailing it in, everyone there seemed like they were fitting him for a wheelchair and their was a lot patronizing that seemed outside the normal tearing into each other that made the Ticket so good. I have not listened to any other show on the Freak. I am on team Bob sucks w/o Dan and will keep listening to the Freak at drive time. I'm guessing it's hard for drops right now if they are trying to build the database.
  5. kinda past the point of giving a fuck what the Bible says about anything. we are not a theocracy as much as the zealots on the GOP want it to be and trying to prove a point or justify a stance to the zealots based on the words in the Bible is already losing the argument by acknowledging that book has a say in the first place. Then add on top the fact that the Bible is a choose-your-own adventure book that can justify whatever the hell anyone wants to. yeah, it's fun to dunk on people where there are blatant contradictions, but anyone bringing up what is in the good book as a response to a government question should be shut down immediately. We (the people) don't elect a pope or high priest so fuck religion having any say.
  6. while wearing a hoodie and exercising to "Making Furtive Movement to the Oldies"
  7. nothing earthshattering, but shows all the talking heads
  8. are there any legit 'contractors' out there or just law enforcement posting ads in Soldier of Fortune. not even asking for a friend. I never read about a story where someone was murdered and later they find it was a paid hitter.
  9. is there a primer or something on Meloni and why she is considered the next Mussolini? After watching that linked video, Ted probably cries himself to sleep each night just wishing he could speak with such conviction and not come off like a sniveling cunt every time he opens his mouth
  10. no real disagreement. we know the end result, i just wish they could have introduced a grander arc outside the castle politics. Some broader Westeros issue that would amp up the tension on the rulers and was not solved in an episode and a half. Maybe the jump in time makes that not work. nothing has gone to the brink yet. maybe just some gratuitous quelling of rebellion with a full wing of dragons
  11. too much plotting/internal royal strife. needs another arc alongside all this to make it more interesting. like the whitewalkers arc in GOT to drive a little (ok a lot) more action and intrigue. turning into what i imagine real housewives of westeros would be like. previews looked good though.
  12. we got our kids' passports (new, not renewal) about a month earlier than the 'drop dead' date. We had the appt Aug 29th and got the passports on Sept 24th. paid for every sort of expedite, but guess we did not need to. Did not want to chance missing a mid Nov trip.
  13. yeah, i was about to post the same. hate to defend aggy, but that term did not set me off in light of how a popular DFW radio station uses it.
  14. seems like his uncle rico "i never got to play" moment. Dude probably could have played the entire UTSA game, but scooters...
  15. i think cobra used to shill for Soils Alive. I have been using them for a few years and have no complaints.
  16. the queso served there was so bad it should have been a war crime
  17. subscribed. i have been (trying to) stretching for like 5 mins a day with some you tube sourced stretches. just started but at 48 and still trying to play pickup ball on weekends, my back has been killing me. Seem to help so far.
  18. i dont think any of the studies on humans are complete yet. From what i understand, they approved the variant booster similar to how they approve the strain of the Flu vax each year and did not go through the whole approval process like they would for a new drug.
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