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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by gyroprotagonist

  1. well, even though it was implied that all the rights went to white men, it was (unfortunately for GQP) not explicitly spelled out as such and all the women, POC and even Native Americans are able to glean some protections from the Constitution. GQP can't be havin' any of that shit. also, gotta walk back that separation of Church and State bit so they can install the 4th branch of gov; the waspy pope.
  2. but they don't pay for free air on Emergency Brake of the week
  3. Have a coworker who is on the quest for a Daytona and that's the message he has been getting. buy some jewelry and that might improve your odds. and this is a dealer he has purchased a Rolex with before.
  4. SIAP earlier. it probably has but don't care https://www.blackenterprise.com/lets-go-brandon-signs-coded-to-insult-biden-helps-autistic-8-year-old-find-his-courage/
  5. now do it for if the hospital is run by a religion and some pederast bishop is in charge whose entire religion thinks women shouldn't make decisions and has never received sex ed whatsoever is making the decisions. Saw something like 15% of all hospitals are run by the Catholics. We have religious looneys refusing to fill birth control Rxs at CVS but people expect them stand up and do the right thing when a fetus is involved?
  6. so to give women needed medical procedures, to save their lives or prevent/reduce physical/mental trauma, the onus is on the admins/docs to play chicken with a DA and dare them to bring charges against them personally? The fucking DAs are already trying to go after docs in other states who provide legal abortion. This is your take? JFC glad you disapprove of the laws you brought about. about as helpful as thoughts and prayers lol
  7. so you don't think the environment of abortion bounties and elected officials trying to out-zealot each other proclaiming they will sue/prosecute/jail/fine any entity that dares to help a pregnant woman may contribute to having doctors looking over their shoulder? Give me a fucking break trying to pin this on hospital admins. This is working better than these sick fuck GOP misogynists could have dreamed of.
  8. yes, they could ride trains to get there and IBM could be tasked with identifying and tracking them. what could go wrong? not to say that a safe humane place for homeless to go/live is a bad idea. But that's not really the vibe i would get if say his good buddy Stephen Miller implemented the program.
  9. yeah, biggest issue is WTF do parents do if they both work? I guess that cost 'savings' gets pushed to them to find child care for each Friday.
  10. all that experience being a villain in Scott Pilgrim v World I liked the movie a lot. the 14 yo son gave it 2 thumbs up as well. gosling was a badass.
  11. I mean yeah, but i still watch longhorn football and occasionally buy merch.
  12. we need to get to a point where people fly like in the movie 5th Element, but take it a step further. Upon entering the airport, you present yourself and your ticket then are promptly gassed unconscious. Then taken into a small tube in the aircraft and stowed. airplane flies w/o issue and you are revived at your destination. no more dustups between passengers, FA. no more dickhead behavior on board. no more eating onions and fish during the flight. just cargo with a heartbeat moving from point A to point B. We lost the right to have nice things a long time ago.
  13. i mean, i cannot disagree with the sentiment due to all the airline fuckery that has been going on lately.
  14. damn, errrbody getting the covid. wife and i (full vax) have had it twice. once in late Jan and the other early July. Seems like omicron both times (still had smell/taste). 2nd time was a breeze and just felt off for a few days and back to normal after a week. First time was way more aching and lots of brain fog. daughter had a fever for 3 days but felt fine after getting an NSAID. she was under 12 at the time of her vax so did not receive the full adult dose. son has not been cornered by Covid yet per the home tests at least.
  15. well duh, but that leaves like 26 minutes still unaccounted for
  16. https://www.dallasnews.com/sports/mavericks/2022/07/21/luka-doncic-hooked-shaquille-oneal-up-with-a-mansion-during-european-visit/ very cool! Shaq better give Luka more love on TNT next season.
  17. kindof a cool moment. boy is now 14 and for the first time we went to the gym and ran the court for a few games of pick up ball together. i would still whoop his ass in 1v1 but as i am pushing 50 it is inevitable that he will take me down at some point. but i am 6'7'' 230 and have a few inches and 100 lbs on him these seem like the golden years right now. Daughter at 12 is still in this great phase of telling us she loves us all the time and has not turned into a teen beast as of yet. son is very chill and not really pushing boundaries. The pandemic locking us in with each other has no doubt changed the dynamic some and i think we may be better for it. brother and sister have become really close and even though there is the typical surface back and forth, they like hanging out together for the most part.
  18. what happened to 'merica first? why are these GQP mouthbreathers worshiping a foreign wannabe autocrat? i mean besides the fact that he says the silent parts out loud
  19. hypothetical...if Riley Cooper were still playing and got a ring with the Rams, could he get the 'End Racism' removed from end zone? or there like another charge for a new mold or something?
  20. every week submit travel requests for your team to fly in and 'collaborate' in the office. then post on redit malicious compliance thread.
  21. yep, i find it hard to believe that Brinks SOP would allow that both guards leave sight of the truck at the same time. da fuq are they doing in the Flying J for 27 minutes? new high score for Galaga?
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