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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by gyroprotagonist

  1. so along the lines of 'why are people fatter now' is there any credence to all these different additives causing negative changes to the human body? I see a ton of stuff decrying seed oils as 'toxic' to our body and i don't know if it's crazy talk or if there is a kernel of truth in there. Lots of grifters demonize a segment of our diet and then sell 'cleansers/de-toxifiers' and then their own brand of 'healthy' foods. internet/twitter is rife with these things pointing to some rando study and laying blame to big agribusiness. I am guessing but back in the day, stuff probably did not contain all these basically industrial by-products when a fat or oil was needed for production of packaged foods. Was cottonseed, grapeseed etc.. oil used? It's pretty easy to start with the facts - 80 years ago people were not this fat - ***something happened*** - people are now land orcas Then try and sell your own version of what happened and how your product can 'fix' that. But something probably did happen to food that goes into our bodies other than we are probably eating too much and working desk jobs more. tldr - is there some additive/ingredient introduced in the last half century that is contributing to America's obesity problem?
  2. right, but are the majority of GQP voters demanding gun porn pictures from their politicians? Is his primary competition shooting videos of riding around in a tank and firing mortar rounds at migrants crossing the border? At this point, if I were a feckless GQP politician I might distance a little bit from 2A nuts, amp up the T&Ps, and lament the sad state of mental health in country (while stripping away healthcare).
  3. i just don't get these type of pics. I mean I know Jesus strolled around Nazareth with dual bandoliers of 50cal ammo crossed over his chest and a Barrett slung over his shoulder but the family gun porn pictures are just obscene at this point. it is perfectly fine to just say "I support 2A" and if your position is to 'hold the line' with no plans to alter the wild wild west of anything goes, so be it. But lining up your family and draping AR15s all over them as a Christmas card just seems grotesque to me.
  4. Your first mistake was settling for 5%, bro. what kind pussy seeks bond market returns in the up-only world of crypto?
  5. we've stepped up to 2x per year this year and last year going with the fam. may try to make it 3x next as i was inspired by the pics from @JCHIL of Portillo Got back from Park City/Canyons last weekend. Just great snow in Utah right now. Almost too much powder on Wed as we were trying to get to certain places on the Mountain and a few of the trails were slow going where they were not steep enough. Son was dubbed 'Cocaine Bear' nearly everywhere he went in his bear coat We stayed right at the lift on the Canyons side but skied about equal time over the week between PC and Canyons. We had a blast at the Kuchu Shabu restaurant in the Canyons base and the kids enjoyed 'cooking' their own food shabu shabu style This one was from Wed, when it snowed a foot or so between Tues/Wed On some the slower trails i was like a ice breaker boat creating a trail with my board. Also, the doughnuts at the Cloud9 cafe (top of Dreamscape lift, Canyons side) are effing legit. You have to haul ass to get there in time to get one. I think they make 2-3 batches and that's it. We were 2 for 2 heading straight out and not screwing around (hard to do with kids) but people arriving 10-15 mins after us were SOL. I think they have doughnut holes as a consolation prize for the latecomers. Overall a great trip getting on the slopes for 7 days before leaving on Sat.
  6. not only did he not outkick his coverage, but that shit was blocked and recovered for a TD while the punter tore his ACL
  7. That's the rub. Can anyone here, with a straight face, actually believe that rulers and powerful, literate men would not change a few lines here, take out a few lines there to, i don't know, maybe keep peasants in line a little better? Make their lives and their progeny's lives easier down the road? Keep women and slaves in line with Godly mandate? out of all the self serving, backstabbing, lying, cheating, double dealing that all politicians/rulers are into they said "Nah, we better leave these stories untouched before distributing to the masses". Church leaders were like bump that giving to the church line up to a full 10% and we're in. We'll even endorse holy wars, mark your political enemies as heretics and later on charge any especially mouthy bitches as witches for you at no extra charge. Maybe there was a divine message. But if you think for one minute the original was unsullied by the men disseminating the message, you are a fool. Just look at today's politicians trying to erase that slavery happened or banning children's books about 2 male penguins raising a chick.
  8. [GQP logic] but most with no health insurance, can't read and have mental illness are the same people. plus 1 getting shot shot just reduces that total and drain on the taxpayers [/GQP logic]
  9. yeah, he kinda contradicted himself in Hunt for Red October when dropped off to the aircraft carrier and was about to shit his pants.
  10. sorry too good to pass up I have an M.D. from Harvard. I am board certified in cardiothoracic medicine and trauma surgery. I have been awarded citations from seven different medical boards in New England; and I am never, ever sick at sea. So I ask you, when someone goes into that chapel and they fall on their knees and they pray to God that their wife doesn't miscarry, or that their daughter doesn't bleed to death, or that their mother doesn't suffer acute neural trauma from postoperative shock, who do you think they're praying to? Now, you go ahead and read your Bible, Dennis, and you go to your church and with any luck you might win the annual raffle. But if you're looking for God, he was in operating room number two on November 17th, and he doesn't like to be second guessed. You ask me if I have a God complex? Let me tell you something: I AM GOD. Some of this is that there are sooooo many religions and offshoots that some of them are bound to be right some of the time on some of the stuff. religions are even evolving (heh heh) like the FUMC having churches split off because how dare gay people attend church or want to contribute in said church.
  11. i don't partake but maybe if they offered free edibles instead of booze shit would get better? non-csb, we flew over spring break and it was pretty chill in airports and on planes. decent wifi to watch Disu drag his nuts all over Pedo state while on the plane ride home.
  12. would we have seen this if Timmy had not gone down for a few games? It has been amazing and Dylan shooting the mid-range is just basically a cheat code with touch he has on display. I think carrying the team with Allen out has unleashed the monster.
  13. yeah, once we found out both our kids were dyslexic, they were moved (1 from private and 1 from public) to a private school specializing in teaching kids with learning differences. It is a stone cold fact that the cost of this education would preclude 'poor' people from sending their kids their sans scholarship. As a dumb hick from a small town with 1 HS and no real private alternatives, i was astounded at the cost of private grade/high schools when i moved on from college to Dallas and had kids. but soon found the cost acceptable when the need arose. we did not want to fight the good fight with public schools and had the means to go the private route.
  14. i'm back in baby! like all important financial decisions i blindly follow an anon person on a private discord for most of my crypto advice. he gave the buy signal back on the 10th and damned if he did not call it pretty well this time. got about a 1/3 of my crypto fun money back in the market and only have taken the smallest of profit so far. just letting it ride in alts for the time being. probably the first crypto buy in ~12 months or so you too should start buying as i will need exit liquidity soon (probably).
  15. feel about the same as OP. The (mostly fake) zealot politicians are pumping theocracy ideas to win votes. Just saying 'Bible' is the justification to start taking away rights/protections form groups that differ from them. the party of small government is dead set on legislation to forcibly enact their set of minority beliefs on the majority of Americans. Raised in the church, baptized of my own free will during the fervor of a summer church camp at like 11 or 12 think. Cruised along going semi-regularly to church; moreso after the kids were born. Really, the rise of Trumpkins using religion to further bigotry, handmaid tales shit and now all the blatant calls for a no-shit theocracy have caused me to do a complete 180 on religion and cringe away from wanting to associate with it. heck, i really liked the First United Methodist church we fell into. very progressive, embracing every community (lol at all the FUMC churches splitting off 'cause they hate gays). We sorta mock all the stupid religious shit we see and our kids pick up on it. I am sure their grandparents are praying for their souls and have even had the in-laws trying to sway the kids into asking that we take them to church every Sunday. We tend to go on Easter/Christmas and a few other times a year. don't quite tithe, but still give a decent chunk each year to the church. It just boils down to 'How hard is it to just worship what you want to without using your religion to restrict my freedoms?' There never was a WAR OF CHRISTMAS but it looks like there needs to be a war on Christians to keep a theocracy from happening.
  16. ordered a ton of uber eats from Blue Goose during lockdown as they would deliver margs. DMN article seemed to indicate that it's lease renewal thing
  17. the internet place was just for a 50 inch piece, which is what i need.
  18. yes but those seem too heavy. needs to be made of a lighter wood and ideally would only be a half circle for the shape yeah, i was kinda balking at paying ~$70 for a 30 cent piece of wood. i could get a 20' piece of molding for ~$2 that is similar but not quite 'right'
  19. FIFY Keep it up! real food around the corner. I continue to sabotage my vague notion of eating well. Discovering that my work place has Twix ice cream bars in the snack court has not helped.
  20. maybe you handy people can help me out. trying to find a shutter control rod for plantation blinds. all the shutters are wrecked in my sons room with 90% of the blinds detaching from the frame due to them being old the plastic pegs crumbling form the sun exposure i guess. I drilled out and replaced all the fittings and put back most of the shutters so far, but the control rod for one of the windows was broken. the rod is flat on one side and a rounded half-circle on the other. I just need one ~50" rod (insert jokes here). Perusing HD i did not see anything. I could maybe make a piece of molding work and it's cheap at $2. Web searches turned up a few leads, one would not long enough. would have to get 2 shorter ones and i guess dowel them together. cost ~$20. The only ready to go product i saw wanted $90 for a composite plastic piece 70" long. any ideas on where to source a single piece?
  21. watched the Jon Oliver piece last night. The part when he/his admin directed cops to go in guns drawn and arrest poor (mostly/all black at least from the video) people for voting issues that happened in some cases years ago was crazy. Even the cops were like WTF am i doing here dragging people out of their homes on this BS. all of it to manufacture some tiny shred of evidence that tougher election security is needed. Hurting people for an insignificant bullet point in his narrative.
  22. we are not talking permafrost here. does the ground get 'frozen' because of a colder winter? asking for a Texan...
  23. wow! that place looks amazing. need to look into going skiing in summer now Park City UT just got ~2 feet of snow. Wish we were there this week, but next week looks pretty good as well, but not 20+ inches. Flying out on Friday
  24. Nice! we are headed out for a week on the 13th and staying at that place right by the orange bubble lift in the Canyons (Grand Summit i think?). Went last year for spring break, but did not venture out too much into town but want to hit up a few more places to eat this time so thanks for the recs.
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