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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by morehornsepower

  1. I wish I had enough clout to rep this post. I see the same thing...
  2. You guys had it good. Colt 45 and MD 20/20 were the HS go-tos here. Glad I no longer get anywhere near either of those, to even have to worry about what the smell might remind me of... lol
  3. Now imagine if he doesn't have to dodge 2+ guys behind the line of scrimmage every play...!!
  4. Was able to catch after halftime. Frustratingly familiar with what felt like hundreds of great goal-scoring opportunities, and a huge lack of finishing. Kepa's save on the penalty was fantastic....
  5. This shit right here. A million times this. Every flat, raised, horizontal surface in the house is *not* a storage place for shit that has *actual* storage places elsewhere. Barstools, chairs, coffee tables, end tables, beds... Also, what's up, Judge? Been a long time...
  6. So, no change in this transfer window... Any opinions on what that means for almost our entire defense, with contract expirations this year?
  7. I don't usually venture into the basketball forum, but was just coming here to see if this had been posted. Shit like this, is yet another reason to be proud of being a Longhorn. F-Cancer!!
  8. Wait, is this for real? That is bizarre...
  9. Lolz, this seriously belongs on secrant if any of you sickos already have an account there. I guess this is what happens when you "wake the sleeping giant". In their first game, they quit before the 2nd half...in their most recent game, they quit before the 1st half. That's progress, ya stupid sips!!! lol
  10. With a daughter that attends Arkansas (no pics you heathens), I can vouch that like 50% of Arkansas students are from Texas - and it seems most of the ones we meet are from the frisco-mckinney-dallas triangle.
  11. Yeah, I agree with this whole post. Always interesting with big reg changes - it just introduces a(nother) chance for a team to find a loop hole or an 'outside the box' (man, I hate that overused phrase) solution.
  12. If I was aggy, I'd hang my head in shame after hearing that. Somehow, I doubt that will be the reaction we see though...
  13. well...this is looking a little better... Fair. But still...first 40 min were quite disappointing...
  14. yeah, this doesn't look like the same team...
  15. Well, I was sure hoping the Lukaku quotes were taken out of context. However, reports say Tuchel dropped him for today's Liverpool clash, after having a discussion with him about the interview. wtf?
  16. Agreed. FBD. If a major part of your job is the written word, and you can't clearly convey your meaning using...uh, checks notes...the written word, then *you* are the problem here, fuckface...
  17. Apparently, her photographer is also her boyfriend. That dude must have some serious impulse control. I would not be standing there holding a camera long enough to take any pictures if I were him.
  18. Unfortunately, we know the outcome of this game is going to result in one of two things: 1. Aggy loses, and the refrain will be: "didn't matter. players focused on next year. would have beaten *anyone* the way we have been playing, if we'd had the whole team." 2. Aggy wins: "this proves how deeply talented our roster is. Jimbo building the team right. Setting us up for our 'natty' next year!!! 'tu' isn't even in a bowl game!" Would be a hell of a bingo/drinking game...
  19. This is 100% correct. Some of those scenes from those early seasons...anyway, I'll be in my bunk...
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